I am reading one software https://github.com/SKempin/reactjs-tmdb-app
And there is one module name sync
, when I read the github of it: https://github.com/kaminaly/gulp-sync It didn't say something. I assume it should allow some tasks to run synchronously. But in the gulp file of it, https://github.com/SKempin/reactjs-tmdb-app/blob/master/gulpfile.js#L132, if I replace
gulp.task('watch', sync(['clean-bundle', 'serve']), function() {
gulp.watch('app/scripts/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch('app/*.html', ['html']);
gulp.watch('app/styles/**/*.scss', ['styles']);
gulp.watch('app/images/**/*', ['images']);
gulp.watch('app/fonts/**/*', ['fonts']);
gulp.task('watch', ['clean-bundle', 'serve'], function() {
gulp.watch('app/scripts/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch('app/*.html', ['html']);
gulp.watch('app/styles/**/*.scss', ['styles']);
gulp.watch('app/images/**/*', ['images']);
gulp.watch('app/fonts/**/*', ['fonts']);
The website would open after we run gulp, but after it open, it shows
Cannot GET /
in the brower. And the console shows:
localhost/:10 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-gpnLwpFw97DB28/JjA3G79AHgq5DtCgFiFwjahrA1d4='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. Note also that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
After I refresh this page, the real website would show up. Could you tell me the role sync plays here? Thanks.
The developer wants to make sure that serve
can not run until clean-bundle
has finished. Since gulp by default runs tasks async, you can use that plugin to control which methods run async vs sync.