I set up GlusterFS storage on two VirtualBox VMs following a mixture of these two guides:
The internal network has DHCP assigned IPs of and I've verified that the storage is working correctly and as expected.
At this point, I'm attempting to add a new StorageClass to Kubernetes using a YAML file, and the only resources I can find on the subject are relating to OpenShift specifically or Heketi GlusterFS.
I started creating the storage class as follows:
# storage-class.yml
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: StorageClass
name: gluster-container
provisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfs
resturl: ""
I'm assuming this is incomplete but am unable to find more information about how to configure this. When I attempt to test with it, I get the following error:
ProvisioningFailed - Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "gluster-container": create volume error: error creating volume Post unsupported protocol scheme ""
Anyone have any ideas how to proceed from here?
The GlusterFS provisioner in kubernetes wants to dynamically provision GlusterFS volumes - such as below:
gluster volume create glustervol1 replica 2 transport tcp
gluster1.example.com:/bricks/brick1/brick \
GlusterFS in itself does not have an API endpoint to trigger the commands to create these volumes; however, the community has developed Heketi to be the API endpoint of GlusterFS. The RESTful management interface endpoint of Heketi is the value of resturl
in your kubernetes StorageClass
As @Vishal Biyani commented, http://blog.infracloud.io/gluster-heketi-kubernetes/ is a write-up on how to quickly get started with Heketi on GCP and connect that into kubernetes.
If the dynamic provisioning of GlusterFS volumes is not needed in your environment, you could use the NFS StorageClass and point to the load balancer in front of your GlusterFS. You would still get awesomeness of GlusterFS replication and distribution, but it would require you enable the NFS gluster service and manually create each gluster volume you want to expose to kubernetes.