I'd like to know how to disable "double-shift" hotkey that opens "search everywhere" window in pycharm, or at least remap it to something sane.
It gets in my way and disrupts any attempt to work with the editor.
There's no information on the subject anywhere on the internet.
I'm using PyCharm community edition 2016.1.3 on windows 7 64bit.
If you want to disable the double-shift binding completely, do this:
See Lejia Chen's comment on issue IDEA-161094 for a graphical illustration.
(Thanks to Vladimir Markiev for mentioning this change.)
Konstantin Bulenkov's comment on issue IDEA-161094 in the JetBrains YouTrack issue tracker gives the following solution which also works in PyCharm:
This has worked perfectly in PyCharm 2017.3.1 as well as 2019.3.4, and probably up to, but not including, 2021.2.