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Stash changes with SVN on Windows / Visual Studio

I've looked at this question which has lots of great answers in the Unix / Command line context, but I'm working in a Visual Studio 2015 environment, with no command line access, only VisualSVN in VS and TortiseSVN in my local filesystem.

Is there a way to stash changes in this environment? I have to stash changes because my local deploy script will push any pending changes and I have no way to change the deploy script parameters.


  • The answers in that question that suggest making a temporary branch or a patch file look good to me. You can automate such methods quite easily.

    You can also do a straight-up file copy of your entire working copy and put it in the directory above, ready to replace later.

    Finally, you can do what I tend to do, which is to have two working copies on the go at the same time. I use one for doing regular dev work, and the other for merging stuff into trunk, performing releases and hotfixes. You can point your deployment scripts at that working copy instead.