I have an assembly I need to reference in a website project in Visual Studio 2005. I have in the solution a folder called Assemblies in which all third-party assemblies reside. I can right click the website project in the Solution Explorer and select "Add Reference..." and navigate to the assemblies folder to get the assembly. Once I do that the project builds properly.
I then go to commit the change to the subversion repository and it claims there are no changes.
Naturally, if I get a copy of the source tree on another machine it won't build because it isn't referencing the assembly.
What am I missing? I feel it should be obvious, but it isn't.
It looks like the issue is related a "curiosity" of website projects. When you reference external assemblies a .REFRESH file is created for each referenced assembly. If these .REFRESH files are not being versioned in the source control system then when the solution is pulled onto another machine it cannot find the assemblies. Once I added the .REFRESH files to the source control the solution transfers between machines properly.
This blog post gives more information on what is going on: http://monsur.xanga.com/437206798/dllrefresh-and-aspnet/