I'm interested in computing the log of the determinant of a large, sparse, complex (floating point) matrix. My first thought is to use an LU decomposition, i.e.:
A=complex.(rand(3,3), rand(3,3))
if round(det(LUFs[:L])*det(LUFs[:U])-det(A[LUFs[:p], LUFs[:q]]), 5)==0
println("Sparse LU determinant is correct\n")
println("Sparse LU determinant is NOT correct\n")
which will always print out the "NOT correct" option. Furthermore,
round.(LUFs[:L]*LUFs[:U], 5)==round.(A[LUFs[:p], LUFs[:q]], 5)
always comes out as false.
If instead I try to directly use
I get an error:
LoadError: MethodError: no method matching
Closest candidates are:
logabsdet(!Matched::Base.LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular{T,S} where S<:
(AbstractArray{T,2} where T)) where T at linalg/triangular.jl:2184
logabsdet(!Matched::Base.LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular{T,S} where S<:
(AbstractArray{T,2} where T)) where T at linalg/triangular.jl:2185
logabsdet(!Matched::Union{LowerTriangular{T,S} where S<:
(AbstractArray{T,2} where T), UpperTriangular{T,S} where S<:
(AbstractArray{T,2} where T)}) where T at linalg/triangular.jl:2189
while loading...
I'm not sure if it's something wrong in the way I've coded it (I'm a beginner transitioning from matlab), or if there's something wrong with my Julia install (though I have replicated these results on another computer). Any pointers you could give me would be great!
The reason is that the sparse LU has a scaling factor as well which can be extracted with LUFs[:Rs]
(in Julia 0.6 and LUFs.Rs
in Julia 0.7-). Hence the computation becomes
julia> det(LUFs[:U])/prod(LUFs[:Rs])
0.4576579970452131 - 0.07585833005688908im
julia> det(A)
0.4576579970452133 - 0.07585833005688908im
We should probably have logabsdet
for the sparse case as well. However, is your matrix positive definite by any chance? In so, you'd be able to compute the logdet
of the Cholesky factorization.