I am trying to get a specific info from all the messages consumed by my service, and I do not want to repeat the same code inside each consumer I have.
So I created a class that implements IReceiveObserver and inside public Task PreReceive(ReceiveContext context)
I am trying to get the message body, except that I could not.
public Task PreReceive(ReceiveContext context)
var body = context.GetBody();
return null;
I am assuming that body will contain the message body, so I am trying to deserialize it using:
public static object DeserializeFromStream(MemoryStream stream)
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
object o = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
return o;
var Deserialized =(GeneralMessageType) DeserializeFromStream((MemoryStream)body);
I am getting the following error:
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: 'The input stream is not a valid binary format.
Is this the correct way of achieving what I need? I think I am following the right approach but I have an issue in extracting the message body.
Message body using Console.WriteLine("{0}", (new StreamReader(stream)).ReadToEnd());
{\r\n \"messageId\": \"01110000-5d1b-0015-b7c9-08d5479e73b2\",\r\n \"correlationId\": \"da197981-a10e-43a9-a53b-67b7a3261511\",\r\n \"conversationId\": \"01110000-5d1b-0015-80d3-08d5479e73a6\",\r\n \"sourceAddress\": \"queue URL",\r\n \"destinationAddress\": \"receiverURL",\r\n \"messageType\": [\r\n \"urn:message:MessageType"\r\n ],\r\n \"message\": {\r\n \"correlationId\": \"da197981-a10e-43a9-a53b-67b7a3261511\",\r\n \"Id\": \"62d2bfff-7e20-4b51-b431-7d46e44abfc0\",\r\n \"Name\": \"'''yry'''\",\r\n \"Code\": \"ryryyy\",\r\n \"isActive\": true,\r\n \"username\": \"username\",\r\n \"password\": \"*****\",\r\n \"isUserActive\": true\r\n },\r\n \"headers\": {},\r\n \"host\": {\r\n \"machineName\": \"myMachine\",\r\n
\"processName\": \"w3wp\",\r\n \"processId\": 4568,\r\n
\"assembly\": \"MassTransit\",\r\n \"assemblyVersion\": \"\",\r\n \"frameworkVersion\": \"4.0.30319.42000\",\r\n \"massTransitVersion\": \"\",\r\n
\"operatingSystemVersion\": \"Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.16299.0\"\r\n }\r\n}"
Figured it out:
As you can see in question body context.GetBody();
gives a json containing Host info, Headers, and Message body in addition to a few other attributes.
What I did is removing "\r\n"s and replacing \" with " and then going to https://jsonutils.com/, paste the resulting Json and it will convert it to the classes you should deserialize to.
The thing is body contains much more info than the message sent, all of them added by masstransit and rabbitmq.
public class Message
//Message attributes
public class Headers
public class Host
public string machineName { get; set; }
public string processName { get; set; }
public int processId { get; set; }
public string assembly { get; set; }
public string assemblyVersion { get; set; }
public string frameworkVersion { get; set; }
public string massTransitVersion { get; set; }
public string operatingSystemVersion { get; set; }
public class TotalMessage
public string messageId { get; set; }
public string correlationId { get; set; }
public string conversationId { get; set; }
public string sourceAddress { get; set; }
public string destinationAddress { get; set; }
public IList<string> messageType { get; set; }
public Message message { get; set; }
public Headers headers { get; set; }
public Host host { get; set; }
for deserializing you can use:
public static object DeserializeFromStream(MemoryStream stream)
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
object o = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
return o;
var body = context.GetBody();
var totalMessage= JsonDeserializer<TotalMessage>((MemoryStream)body);
To get the message body: totalMessage.message
Of course you can deserialize to only the message body by something like:
public class TotalMessage
public Message message { get; set; }