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create 2D repeated pattern using rectangle or lines with actionscript 3 Flash cs6

enter image description here

Hi Everyone, I would like to create a 2D pattern as per the size of the brick. Which is in this example 190 length X 60 Height. I have a Preview area which is 400 Length X 300 Height. I have a mask for the preview area so anything outside of this preview area will be hidden. I have a code so far which shows the first rectangle / brick correctly as a child movieclip of the preview movieclip into the preview area sizewise and locationwise. But I can not find an easy way to duplicate or clone this brick movieclip to achieve the pattern shown in the attached image. This actions happens on a button's click event. Any sort of help is greatly appreciated. I also would like to clean this preview area first for any previously shown preview. I have a for loop to removechild but it only removes one at a time. thanks a lot in advance.

//Checks if all required textfields have valid data -- if yes then true else false
if(Vdata == true){
    //Here I should check and clean the preview area and any children previously added.
    var Pview_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip; //Main moiveclip which holds all rectangles. = "Pview_mc"; //name the instance so that easy to remove later on.
    var rectangle:MovieClip = new MovieClip; // initializing the variable, 0x990000, 1); //defines line style (thickness, colour, alpha), 0, Number(Txt_ST.text),Number(Txt_HT.text)); // (x spacing, y spacing, width, height)
    Pview_mc.addChild(rectangle); // adds rectangle to Pview_mc movieclip
    Preview_Area.addChild(Pview_mc); // adds the Pview_mc to the Preview_Area MovieClip
    rectangle.y = rectangle.y-Number(Txt_HT.text); // positions the rectangle. 


  • I made quick and dirty implementation of brick pattern drawing function. It is not optimized, just draws the pattern you want.

    For simplicity, i do not use child objects and just draw directrly to the MovieClip. The function clears and draw pattern on each call. The following image shows possible result.

    draw_bricks() result

    Draw function:

    // graphics      - Object to draw to
    // origin_x      - Center of the top left brick
    // origin_y      - Center of the top left brick
    // brick_count_u - Number of bricks along the x-axis
    // brick_count_v - Number of brick along the y-axis
    // brick_w       - Brick width
    // brick_h       - Brick height
    // gap           - Brick gap
    function draw_bricks(
        graphics      :Graphics,
        origin_x      :Number,
        origin_y      :Number,
        brick_count_u :int,
        brick_count_v :int,
        brick_w       :Number,
        brick_h       :Number,
        gap           :Number) :void
        graphics.lineStyle(0.0, 0x00FF00, 1.0);
        // For every brick along y-axis
        for (var v :int = 0; v < brick_count_v; v += 1) {
            //            [ row ordinate ]---|
            //                               |
            //  [ base offset ]---|          |
            //                    |          |
            //                    v          v
            var brick_y :Number = origin_y + ((brick_h + gap) * v);
            // For every brick along x-axis
            for (var u :int = 0; u < brick_count_u; u += 1) {
                //          [ odd row offset ]---|
                //                               |     [ column abscissa ]---|
                //  [ base offset ]---|          |                           |
                //                    |          |                           |
                //                    v          v                           v
                var brick_x :Number = origin_x - (brick_w * 0.5 * (v % 2)) + ((brick_w + gap) * u);
                // Draw brick centered at {brick_x, brick_y}
                graphics.drawRect(brick_x - brick_w * 0.5, brick_y - brick_h * 0.5, brick_w, brick_h);


    var bricks :MovieClip = new MovieClip;
    draw_bricks(, 0.0, 0.0, 8, 8, 190.0, 60.0, 10.0);

    If you do not actually need display object hierarchy for this brick wall i suggest you to use this approach because this way you do not need to remove or create any "brick objects", you can just refresh single masked display object.

    Note: You still need to compute optimal brick count for each axis.
    Note: Remember that in flash x-axis points right and y-axis points down.