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jsViews and linkTo syntax

I'm using jsViews to build a small app. I have a input form section in which I want to provide a cancel button and a save button.

My goal is very similar to the linkTo section of the documentation.

However, my data-link is a bit more complex. I didn't find the correct syntax to bind data back to my editing object.

Here's what I have:

<input type="text" 
       id{:'txtListName_' + #getIndex()}" >

The textbox is populated with my backend data, but when I submit my form, I can't see the updated value. Neither in Data.ListName property nor in Editing.ListName.

I also tried:

<input type="text" 
       data-link="{:Data.ListName} linkTo{:Editing.ListName}  
       id{:'txtListName_' + #getIndex()}" >

<input type="text" 
       data-link="{:Data.ListName} linkTo=Editing.ListName 
       id{:'txtListName_' + #getIndex()}" >

But none of this works. The documentation is unclear regarding my issue.

What's the correct syntax ?


  • Ok, I managed to find the correct syntax, which is :

    <input type="text" 
           data-link="{:Data.ListName linkTo=Editing.ListName:}  
           id{:'txtListName_' + #getIndex()}" >