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Does using a function as a closure retain self?

I'm having trouble tracking down a retain cycle. I think it's to do with the way I subscribe to events. Pseudo code is like this:

override func viewDidLoad() {
   func handleEvent() {

   subscribe("eventName", block: handleEvent)

deinit {

Will this create a retain cycle to self / my ViewController? And if so, how can I get around it? If I was using a closure, I could use [weak self], but since I'm passing a function, is there anyway to use a [weak self] equivalent?


  • Long story short, your code does retain a reference. (handleEvent->viewDidLoad->self), has some general strategies to avoid the issue. My recommendation would be to create a function reference, rather than declaring a function:

    let eventHandler: () -> () = { [weak self] in 
    subscribe("eventName", block: eventHandler)