The functionality I plan on doing is to insert some form elements depending on a number chosen from a select tag.
I have a select tag called for number_of_passengers, and i plan to dynamically append new passenger fields for the number chosen. Say I select 2 from number_of_passengers, then 2 forms should appear in a fieldset. these forms contain name, age weight etc.
I tried following this:
call a rails function from jquery?
and just converted it to haml-speak but I get errors whenever I use the :javascript tag. Also I don't think I can "escape" the javascript tag once I am in it
$('#number_of_passengers').change(function() {
var $num_of_passengers = $(this).val();
for($i=0; $i<$num_of_passengers;$i++) {
$('.passenger-info ul').append('<%= escape_javascript( render :partial => "new_passenger", :locals => {:booking => @booking }) %>');
also since I am in a form_for, how do I pass the @booking variable to the local? It seems really complicated and I'm planning of doing the dirty way out of just looping 20 times(20 max passengers) then just hide/show them depending on the selected number. But that's too dirty don't you think?
i actually managed to do this by adding:
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :partial => "new_passenger" }
so even if the request was in js, it will return an html partial. Nifty