I want to create a feature with all my oracle dataSources so I that can add them to a fabric profile.
I managed to access my dataSources in a non fabric installation of JBoss Fuse by deploying oracle drivers directly to the deploy folder, and then creating all my dataSources in a bundle.
The problem is that when I include both dataSources and ojdbc6.jar in a single bundle, JBoss Fuse can't create my Oracle Connector class:
Unable to resolve 317.2: missing requirement [317.2] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=oracle.jdbc.pool)
I've tried to drag-drop the drivers directly in the deployment section of a new profile in the management console and installing the jar as a maven jar with the same result.
When I install the drivers with osgi:install mvn:... it throws the same error.
[ 321] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] mvn:com.oracle/ojdbc6/
Maybe I'm wrapping the jar wrong, I used this solution to install the jar in Maven OSGI Bundle Error - ojdbc6.jar
Any ideas?
Wrapping the Oracle drivers with the pom in this git repo and then defining the bundle in the feature like this:
worked for me.