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Is there any way to occupy blank space in WrapPanel automatically?

The Children of WrapPanel are populated sequentially like attached screenshot.

Therefore, according to the length of each child, the Panel makes long blank space.

How can I utilize the blank space with re-arrangng the children ?

It seems only few people use WrapPanel so far and no sufficient examples.

Is there some automatic way for this ? Or do I only need to make own algorithm ?

The WrapPanel plays a very important role to display things but has limited space to display.

Thank you !

enter image description here


  • Here is a WrapPanel which can optionally rearrange elements using FFDH algorithm, as well as optionally stretch them to remove blank areas (example).

    public class StretchyWrapPanel : Panel {
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(ItemWidth), typeof(double),
                typeof(StretchyWrapPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(double.NaN, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, (o, e) => {
                    ((StretchyWrapPanel)o)._itemWidth = (double)e.NewValue;
        private double _itemWidth = double.NaN;
        public double ItemWidth {
            get => _itemWidth;
            set => SetValue(ItemWidthProperty, value);
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemHeightProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(ItemHeight), typeof(double),
                typeof(StretchyWrapPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(double.NaN, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, (o, e) => {
                    ((StretchyWrapPanel)o)._itemHeight = (double)e.NewValue;
        private double _itemHeight = double.NaN;
        public double ItemHeight {
            get => _itemHeight;
            set => SetValue(ItemHeightProperty, value);
        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrientationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Orientation), typeof(Orientation),
                typeof(StretchyWrapPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Orientation.Horizontal, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange, (o, e) => {
                    ((StretchyWrapPanel)o)._orientation = (Orientation)e.NewValue;
        private Orientation _orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
        public Orientation Orientation {
            get => _orientation;
            set => SetValue(OrientationProperty, value);
        public static readonly DependencyProperty StretchToFillProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(StretchToFill), typeof(bool),
                typeof(StretchyWrapPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange, (o, e) => {
                    ((StretchyWrapPanel)o)._stretchToFill = (bool)e.NewValue;
        private bool _stretchToFill = true;
        public bool StretchToFill {
            get => _stretchToFill;
            set => SetValue(StretchToFillProperty, value);
        public static readonly DependencyProperty StretchProportionallyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(StretchProportionally), typeof(bool),
                typeof(StretchyWrapPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange, (o, e) => {
                    ((StretchyWrapPanel)o)._stretchProportionally = (bool)e.NewValue;
        private bool _stretchProportionally = true;
        public bool StretchProportionally {
            get => _stretchProportionally;
            set => SetValue(StretchProportionallyProperty, value);
        public static readonly DependencyProperty RearrangeForBestFitProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(RearrangeForBestFit), typeof(bool),
                typeof(StretchyWrapPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, (o, e) => {
                    ((StretchyWrapPanel)o)._rearrangeForBestFit = (bool)e.NewValue;
        private bool _rearrangeForBestFit;
        public bool RearrangeForBestFit {
            get => _rearrangeForBestFit;
            set => SetValue(RearrangeForBestFitProperty, value);
        private struct UVSize {
            internal UVSize(Orientation orientation, Size size) {
                U = V = 0d;
                _isHorizontal = orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
                Width = size.Width;
                Height = size.Height;
            internal UVSize(Orientation orientation, double width, double height) {
                U = V = 0d;
                _isHorizontal = orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
                Width = width;
                Height = height;
            internal UVSize(Orientation orientation) {
                U = V = 0d;
                _isHorizontal = orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
            internal double U;
            internal double V;
            private bool _isHorizontal;
            internal double Width {
                get => _isHorizontal ? U : V;
                set {
                    if (_isHorizontal) {
                        U = value;
                    } else {
                        V = value;
            internal double Height {
                get => _isHorizontal ? V : U;
                set {
                    if (_isHorizontal) {
                        V = value;
                    } else {
                        U = value;
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) {
            return RearrangeForBestFit ? MeasureBestFit(constraint) : MeasureKeepInOrder(constraint);
        private Size MeasureKeepInOrder(Size constraint) {
            var orientation = Orientation;
            var uLimit = new UVSize(orientation, constraint.Width, constraint.Height).U;
            var curLineSize = new UVSize(orientation);
            var panelSize = new UVSize(orientation);
            var itemWidth = ItemWidth;
            var itemHeight = ItemHeight;
            var itemWidthSet = !double.IsNaN(itemWidth);
            var itemHeightSet = !double.IsNaN(itemHeight);
            var childConstraint = new Size(
                    itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : constraint.Width,
                    itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : constraint.Height);
            var children = InternalChildren;
            for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child == null) continue;
                // Flow passes its own constrint to children
                // This is the size of the child in UV space
                var sz = new UVSize(orientation,
                        itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : child.DesiredSize.Width,
                        itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : child.DesiredSize.Height);
                if (curLineSize.U + sz.U > uLimit) {
                    // Need to switch to another line
                    panelSize.U = Math.Max(curLineSize.U, panelSize.U);
                    panelSize.V += curLineSize.V;
                    curLineSize = sz;
                    if (sz.U > uLimit) {
                        // The element is wider then the constrint - give it a separate line
                        panelSize.U = Math.Max(sz.U, panelSize.U);
                        panelSize.V += sz.V;
                        curLineSize = new UVSize(orientation);
                } else {
                    // Continue to accumulate a line
                    curLineSize.U += sz.U;
                    curLineSize.V = Math.Max(sz.V, curLineSize.V);
            // The last line size, if any should be added
            panelSize.U = Math.Max(curLineSize.U, panelSize.U);
            panelSize.V += curLineSize.V;
            // Go from UV space to W/H space
            return new Size(panelSize.Width, panelSize.Height);
        private Size MeasureBestFit(Size constraint) {
            var orientation = Orientation;
            var uLimit = new UVSize(orientation, constraint.Width, constraint.Height).U;
            var itemWidth = ItemWidth;
            var itemHeight = ItemHeight;
            var itemWidthSet = !double.IsNaN(itemWidth);
            var itemHeightSet = !double.IsNaN(itemHeight);
            var childConstraint = new Size(
                    itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : constraint.Width,
                    itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : constraint.Height);
            var children = InternalChildren;
            // First-Fit Decreasing Height (FFDH) algorithm
            var lines = new List<UVSize>();
            for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child == null) continue;
                // Flow passes its own constrint to children
                // This is the size of the child in UV space
                var childSize = new UVSize(orientation,
                        itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : child.DesiredSize.Width,
                        itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : child.DesiredSize.Height);
                for (var j = 0; j < lines.Count; j++) {
                    var line = lines[j];
                    if (line.U + childSize.U <= uLimit) {
                        lines[j] = new UVSize(orientation) { U = childSize.U, V = Math.Max(childSize.V, line.V) };
                        goto Next;
                { }
            var panelSize = new UVSize(orientation);
            for (var i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
                var line = lines[i];
                panelSize.U = Math.Max(line.U, panelSize.U);
                panelSize.V += line.V;
            // Go from UV space to W/H space
            return new Size(panelSize.Width, panelSize.Height);
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) {
            return RearrangeForBestFit ? ArrangeBestFit(finalSize) : ArrangeKeepInOrder(finalSize);
        private static UVSize GetChildSize(Orientation orientation, UIElement child, UVSize fixedChildSize) {
            var childSize = new UVSize(orientation, child.DesiredSize);
            if (!double.IsNaN(fixedChildSize.U)) childSize.U = fixedChildSize.U;
            if (!double.IsNaN(fixedChildSize.V)) childSize.V = fixedChildSize.V;
            return childSize;
        private Size ArrangeKeepInOrder(Size finalSize) {
            var orientation = Orientation;
            var fixedChildSize = new UVSize(orientation, ItemWidth, ItemHeight);
            var children = InternalChildren;
            var firstInLine = 0;
            var uLimit = new UVSize(orientation, finalSize).U;
            var currentLineSize = new UVSize(orientation);
            var accumulatedV = 0d;
            for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child == null) continue;
                var childSize = GetChildSize(orientation, child, fixedChildSize);
                if (currentLineSize.U + childSize.U > uLimit) {
                    // Need to switch to another line
                    if (!double.IsNaN(fixedChildSize.U)) {
                        ArrangeLineFixedSize(orientation, children, accumulatedV, currentLineSize.V, firstInLine, i, fixedChildSize.U);
                    } else if (!StretchToFill) {
                        ArrangeLineDefault(orientation, children, accumulatedV, currentLineSize.V, firstInLine, i);
                    } else {
                        ArrangeLineStretch(orientation, children, accumulatedV, currentLineSize.V, firstInLine, i, uLimit, StretchProportionally);
                    accumulatedV += currentLineSize.V;
                    currentLineSize = childSize;
                    firstInLine = i;
                } else {
                    // Continue to accumulate a line
                    currentLineSize.U += childSize.U;
                    currentLineSize.V = Math.Max(childSize.V, currentLineSize.V);
            // Arrange the last line, if any
            if (!double.IsNaN(fixedChildSize.U)) {
                ArrangeLineFixedSize(orientation, children, accumulatedV, currentLineSize.V, firstInLine, children.Count, fixedChildSize.U);
            } else if (!StretchToFill) {
                ArrangeLineDefault(orientation, children, accumulatedV, currentLineSize.V, firstInLine, children.Count);
            } else {
                ArrangeLineStretch(orientation, children, accumulatedV, currentLineSize.V, firstInLine, children.Count, uLimit, StretchProportionally);
            return finalSize;
        private static void ArrangeLineDefault(Orientation orientation, UIElementCollection children, double v, double lineV, int start, int end) {
            var position = new UVSize(orientation){ U = 0d, V = v };
            for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child != null) {
                    var childSize = new UVSize(orientation, child.DesiredSize) { V = lineV };
                    child.Arrange(new Rect(position.Width, position.Height, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
                    position.U += childSize.U;
        private static void ArrangeLineStretch(Orientation orientation, UIElementCollection children, double v, double lineV, int start, int end,
                double limitU, bool stretchProportionally) {
            var totalU = 0d;
            for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
                totalU += new UVSize(orientation, children[i].DesiredSize).U;
            var position = new UVSize(orientation) { U = 0d, V = v };
            var uExtra = stretchProportionally ? limitU / totalU : (limitU - totalU) / (end - start);
            for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child != null) {
                    var childSize = new UVSize(orientation, child.DesiredSize) { V = lineV };
                    childSize.U = stretchProportionally ? childSize.U * uExtra : Math.Max(childSize.U + uExtra, 1d);
                    child.Arrange(new Rect(position.Width, position.Height, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
                    position.U += childSize.U;
        private static void ArrangeLineFixedSize(Orientation orientation, UIElementCollection children, double v, double lineV, int start, int end, double itemU) {
            var position = new UVSize(orientation) { U = 0d, V = v };
            var childSize = new UVSize(orientation){ U = itemU, V = lineV };
            for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child != null) {
                    child.Arrange(new Rect(position.Width, position.Height, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
                    position.U += childSize.U;
        private class ArrangeBestFitLine {
            public UVSize Size;
            public readonly List<int> ItemIndices = new List<int>();
            public void ArrangeDefault(Orientation orientation, UIElementCollection children, double v) {
                var position = new UVSize(orientation){ U = 0d, V = v };
                for (var i = 0; i < ItemIndices.Count; i++) {
                    var child = children[ItemIndices[i]];
                    if (child != null) {
                        var childSize = new UVSize(orientation, child.DesiredSize) { V = Size.V };
                        child.Arrange(new Rect(position.Width, position.Height, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
                        position.U += childSize.U;
            public void ArrangeStretch(Orientation orientation, UIElementCollection children, double v, double limitU, bool stretchProportionally) {
                var totalU = 0d;
                for (var i = 0; i < ItemIndices.Count; i++) {
                    totalU += new UVSize(orientation, children[ItemIndices[i]].DesiredSize).U;
                var position = new UVSize(orientation) { U = 0d, V = v };
                var uExtra = stretchProportionally ? limitU / totalU : (limitU - totalU) / ItemIndices.Count;
                for (var i = 0; i < ItemIndices.Count; i++) {
                    var child = children[ItemIndices[i]];
                    if (child != null) {
                        var childSize = new UVSize(orientation, child.DesiredSize) { V = Size.V };
                        childSize.U = stretchProportionally ? childSize.U * uExtra : Math.Max(childSize.U + uExtra, 1d);
                        child.Arrange(new Rect(position.Width, position.Height, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
                        position.U += childSize.U;
            public void ArrangeFixedSize(Orientation orientation, UIElementCollection children, double v, double itemU) {
                var position = new UVSize(orientation) { U = 0d, V = v };
                var childSize = new UVSize(orientation){ U = itemU, V = Size.V };
                for (var i = 0; i < ItemIndices.Count; i++) {
                    var child = children[ItemIndices[i]];
                    if (child != null) {
                        child.Arrange(new Rect(position.Width, position.Height, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
                        position.U += childSize.U;
        private Size ArrangeBestFit(Size finalSize) {
            var orientation = Orientation;
            var fixedChildSize = new UVSize(orientation, ItemWidth, ItemHeight);
            var uLimit = new UVSize(orientation, finalSize).U;
            // First-Fit Decreasing Height (FFDH) algorithm
            var lines = new List<ArrangeBestFitLine>();
            var children = InternalChildren;
            for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                if (child == null) continue;
                var childSize = GetChildSize(orientation, child, fixedChildSize);
                for (var j = 0; j < lines.Count; j++) {
                    var line = lines[j];
                    if (line.Size.U + childSize.U <= uLimit) {
                        line.Size.U += childSize.U;
                        line.Size.V = Math.Max(childSize.V, line.Size.V);
                        goto Next;
                lines.Add(new ArrangeBestFitLine {
                    Size = childSize,
                    ItemIndices = { i }
                { }
            var accumulatedV = 0d;
            for (var i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
                var line = lines[i];
                if (!double.IsNaN(fixedChildSize.U)) {
                    line.ArrangeFixedSize(orientation, children, accumulatedV, fixedChildSize.U);
                } else if (!StretchToFill) {
                    line.ArrangeDefault(orientation, children, accumulatedV);
                } else {
                    line.ArrangeStretch(orientation, children, accumulatedV, uLimit, StretchProportionally);
                accumulatedV += line.Size.V;
            return finalSize;