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Constructor call to proxy of a bound function

Suppose I have a function Foo, and I want objects constructed from it to have a bar property:

function Foo() {} = 'baz'
console.log('new Foo().bar: ' + new Foo().bar)

new Foo().bar: baz

Now suppose I bind Foo in some way. Bound functions can still be used in constructor calls, and the bound this is ignored:

const Bound = Foo.bind(42)
console.log('new Bound().bar: ' + new Bound().bar)

new Bound().bar: baz

Proxies are supposed to be general and transparent. However...

const PFoo = new Proxy(Foo, { })
console.log('new PFoo().bar: ' + new PFoo().bar)

const PBound = new Proxy(Bound, { })
console.log('new PBound().bar: ' + new PBound().bar)

new PFoo().bar: baz
new PBound().bar: undefined

I would expect the second proxy to behave exactly as Bound, since I am using an empty handler. In other words, I would expect the last output to be baz.

Why is it not the case?

(complete snippet follows)

function Foo() {} = 'baz'
console.log('new Foo().bar: ' + new Foo().bar)

const Bound = Foo.bind(42)
console.log('new Bound().bar: ' + new Bound().bar)

const PFoo = new Proxy(Foo, { })
console.log('new PFoo().bar: ' + new PFoo().bar)

const PBound = new Proxy(Bound, { })
console.log('new PBound().bar: ' + new PBound().bar)


  • tl;dr

    When using new F, is set to F unless F is a bound function, in that case becomes the original function. This does not happen with proxies.

    Long answer

    Ok, I think I got it. This comment was a good starting point. Key ingredients:

    • [[Prototype]] internal slot
    • constructor functions prototype property

    Note: in constructor calls, the new object's prototype is set to This is step 5 from this specification.

    Starting point: when doing new F(), is initially set to F (follow links). However, this can change during the process of construction...

    new Foo()

    Nothing weird here, is Foo and the newly created object prototype is Foo.prototype.

    new Bound()

    This is interesting. At the beginning, is Bound. However, step 5 of bound functions [[Construct]] internal method does the following: if is set to the bound function, then it is changed to the target function, which is Foo. Thus, Foo.prototype is used again.

    new PFoo() is always PFoo, but it is a proxy for Foo, so when PFoo.prototype is requested Foo.prototype is given, again.

    new PBound() is set to PBound. This time, when the [[Construct]] internal method of the bound function is called, is not equal to the bound function, so it is not changed, and we end up using PBound.prototype, which is forwarding to Bound.prototype. Indeed...

    function Foo() { }
    Foo.prototype.iAm = 'Foo'
    const Bound = Foo.bind(42)
    Bound.prototype = {iAm: 'Bound'}
    const Proxied = new Proxy(Bound, { })
    console.log(new Proxied().iAm)

    Personal opinion: I understand that, when constructing a bound function, is changed so that everything works as expected. Similarly, I would expect the construction of proxy objects to set to the proxied function before going on. This is a naive thought, and maybe there are corner cases I am not considering.