Search code examples

Adding aggregate fields to elixir graphql

I am using absinthe with elixir (phoenix 1.3). I have a blog app that has Users, Posts, and Likes, and the likes are joined with a many-to-many relationship between Users and Posts.

  schema "users" do
    field :email, :string
    field :handle, :string 
    many_to_many :liked_posts, MyApp.Content.Post, join_through: "likes"

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string
    field :content, :string 
    many_to_many :liking_users, MyApp.Accounts.User, join_through: "likes"

  schema "likes" do
    belongs_to :user, MyApp.Accounts.User
    belongs_to :post, MyApp.Content.Post

Let's say I want to aggregate them on the backend rather than the front. I would like :liked_by to simply be a count of all the likes that exist, more like field :likes, :int, so that I can get back responses like this:

  "data": {
    "post" : {
      "title" : "Title",
      "content" : "This is the content",
      "likes" : 7

What would my object have to look like? I want to do something like this:

  object :post do
    field :id, :integer
    field :title, :string
    field :content, :string
    field :likes, :integer, resolve: assoc(:liking_users, fn query, id, _ ->
       query |> from like in MyApp.Content.Like, where: like.post_id == ^id, select: count("*")

EDIT #1: More specifically, I'd like to know how to parameterize an anonymous function in the absinthe object. I can get the object to return a non-parameterized value easily:

field :somenumber, :integer, resolve: fn (_,_) -> {:ok, 15} end

But adding a parameter like so

field :somenumber, :integer, resolve: fn (foo,_) -> {:ok, foo} end

returns the following:

"somenumber": {},

How can I pass in id of the object, or an implicitly associated query?

EDIT #2: I have found a solution to this, but it feels very hacky.

  object :post do
    field :id, :integer
    field :title, :string
    field :content, :string
    field :likes, :integer, resolve: fn (_,_,resolution) ->
      {:ok, Post.getLikeCount( }


  • After following @mudasobwa's advice, I have this solution:

     object :post do
        field :id, :integer
        field :title, :string
        field :content, :string
        field :likes, :integer, resolve: fn (query,_,_) ->

    resolution, the third argument of the arity 3 anonymous function for the resolver, is an Absinthe.Resolution object. resolution.source is of type MyApp.Content.Post, of which id refers to that Post.

    Then I just added a function into Post.ex called getLikeCount/1 that gets the number of likes.

      def getLikeCount (post_id) do
        query =
          from l in MyApp.Content.Likes,
            where: l.post_id == ^post_id,
            select: count("*")
        case do
          nil -> {:error, "Error getting like count for post #{post_id}"}
          likes -> {:ok, likes}