The code I currently works as follows: I type in a UID and then a message box shows the slack of a task. However, it's not possible to edit the Microsoft Project file while the message box is open.
Is there another object I can use in VBA to show the same output but allow me to work on the project file while having the output out? And, is it possible to have the output be in real time? In other words, if I make changes in my schedule, can I see the output constantly change if the slack changes as I make changes without having to run the application again?
Sub SlackFinder()
Dim User_UID, User_ID As Integer
Dim Slack As Variant
Dim NewSlack As Variant
User_UID = InputBox("Enter UID for slack:")
If User_UID = "" Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo Error_Not_Found
User_ID = ActiveProject.Tasks.UniqueID(User_UID).ID
On Error GoTo Error_Collapsed
Slack = ActiveProject.Tasks.UniqueID(User_UID).TotalSlack
NewSlack = Slack / 480
MsgBox "Total Slack: " & NewSlack
Exit Sub
MsgBox "UID " & User_UID & " not found in " & ActiveProject.Name
Exit Sub
MsgBox "UID is present but cannot be selected. Perhaps it is collapsed?", vbOKOnly, "COLLAPSED UID?"
Exit Sub
End Sub
You can show real-time slack using a modeless userform. Create a userform in VBA, for example something that has a textbox for entering the task UID and a label to display the Total Slack value:
Then add this code to the UserForm module:
Private Sub UID_Change()
End Sub
Sub UpdateTotalSlack()
On Error Resume Next
Me.TSlack = "Total Slack = " & ActiveProject.Tasks.UniqueID(Me.UID).TotalSlack / 480
End Sub
Add this to the Project module:
Sub ShowSlack()
UserForm1.Show False
End Sub
Private Sub Project_Change(ByVal pj As Project)
End Sub
To start, call the ShowSlack
procedure. This shows the user form modelessly (e.g. it floats above the MS Project window, allowing you to make changes in the schedule). Enter a Task UID in the textbox and the Total Slack will be displayed immediately and updated whenever changes are made to the schedule (thanks to the Change event code).