I am creating a select menu dynamically using javascript but I cannot see it on screen. I am not sure what I am missing.
I am using jQuery 2.2.4 and jQuery-ui 1.11.4
Here is my javascript:
var input = document.createElement('select');
for(var i = 0; i < settingOptions.length; i++)
var optionValue = new String(settingOptions[i]);
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.setAttribute('value', optionValue);
option.innerText = optionValue;
if(optionValue.valueOf() === settingValue.valueOf())
$(option).prop('selected', true);
The menu is being created fine when not rendering with jQuery; I can see the menu when I do not call .selectmenu() as a standard HTML select.
Additionally, the select element is in the DOM, but is automatically given the CSS attribute "display: none". When toggling that attribute using Chrom Developer Tools, I see a standard HTML select.
I have tried to invoke .selectmenu() using an anonymous function, as well as document.ready, without success
My selector does appear to be working as I am getting the jQuery object back when I evaluate the operation in the Chrome console.
Any ideas?
TLDR answer: I was calling .selectmenu() prior to appending the parent element of my selectmenu to the DOM, calling it after I've appended the elements got this working.
The select
element (variable named
input) must be added to DOM:
Working fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/beaver71/n4rvo8qy/