I need to call some Python code from Java.
I am aware though that Jython exists or that Java has its own Python interpreter.
Thing is, said Python code uses some native (C) compiled code, even runs something on GPU.
So I can divide this into two questions:
P.S. If that helps, although I suppose it's irrelevant, the code I need to run are highly GPU/C optimized neural networks from Keras (with TensorFlow underneath). I absolutely can't afford to run the only-Python interpreted version.
Currently jython does not support native compiled python modules. In order to run native modules you will need access to a native python(cpython) interpreter from java. There are several open source projects that use JNI to access a cpython interpreter. Three projects that you can look into are JEP, JPY, and JyNI. In regards to GPU access, I only have experience with JEP which I have used with PyCUDA to execute code on the GPU. While I don't have personal experience with tensorflow, I know there are posts on the JEP mailing list regarding using JEP and tensorflow so I believe there are other projects using this combination successfully.