This issue is regarding JavaFX (jdk-9.0.1)
on MacOS
(I run Sierra). I'm developing a x-platform desktop app with a resizable main window primaryStage.setResizable(true)
, after I have clicked the little green button,see picture below
, to go into full screen mode and then back again to normal mode the resizing of the window is no longer possible. How can I make it still resizable after coming back from full screen mode on MacOS?. It works on Windows and Linux but not on MacOS. Any help is much appreciated.
Edit 1: The issue is now reported and visible on
at the following url JDK-8191885
Thanks mipa! I discovered that it is even better to add a listener to the fullScreenProperty()
, then you don't have to click into the title bar and move it a few pixels. The key was to do setResizable(false)
followed by setResizable(true)
though, thank you for finding that out. I will go with this workaround until the bug is fixed:
primaryStage.fullScreenProperty().addListener((v,o,n) -> {
if (!primaryStage.isFullScreen()) {