Im using Oracle JRE 9.1, and trying to execute an applet (Oracle Forms) through Java Web Start. On my JNLP file its defined by the tag applet-desc.
It works on Oracle Java 6,7 and 8. But with the version 9, i get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class oracle.forms.engine.Main
(in unnamed module ... ) cannot access class sun.applet.AppletViewer
(in module java.desktop) because module java.desktop does not
export sun.applet to unnamed module ...
I know that applets are deprecated on 9, but it should be only a warning right ?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Java 9 is not supported by Oracle Forms. You should still use Java 8.
They have also posted an article that says that Oracle Forms won't support java 9 in the future.