I'm developing something for a bunch of users, and when I was testing it, NAT users was merging their information as it was only one session. How can I split it to show the right information to the right user?
I'm using Java, JSF 1.2 and SpringSecurity.
Or at least, how could I develop something and make sure it's splitted, and one user will only access his own information?
It might be a stupid (sorry) session handling, that matches sessions by IP. All your NAT users have the same external IP, so they are merged. Better use cookies to handle sessions.
As beliarius says, maybe you already use cookies, but if the cookies are created from the IP they are very useless.
If the app you speak about is not browser based, you will have to send a cookie to your clients and have to implement cookie handling for yourself. Or just use one TCP connection per client, and relogin on reconnect.