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Display normal price or variable price range in Woocommerce

I've a list of products and I've a problem about displaying the range of prices in variable products.

As you can see if the price is a normal price everything works. Nevertheless if the product has a variable price the price displayed is 0€

Well, the code for displaying price is this:

if (isset($ebookstore_theme_option['woo-list-price']) && 
    $ebookstore_theme_option['woo-list-price'] == 'enable') {
    $ebookstore_woo .= '<strong class="amount">'.esc_attr($currency).''.$price_sale.'</strong>';

Any idea about how to display the variable range price?


  • For a variable product in WooCommerce you need:

    • to target variable product type
    • to get the min and the max prices.

    So you should need to get an instance of the product object. In general you can get it with:

     global $product;

    If it doesn't work you will use intead:

    global $post;
    $product = wc_get_product( $post->ID );

    Now from this point you will use the following:

    global $product;
    if ( isset( $ebookstore_theme_option['woo-list-price'] ) && $ebookstore_theme_option['woo-list-price'] == 'enable' ){
        // For all product types that are not "variable products"
        if( ! $product->is_type('variable') ){
            $ebookstore_woo .= '<strong class="amount">'.esc_attr($currency).''.$price_sale.'</strong>';
        // For variable products    
        else {
            $min_price = $product->get_variation_price( 'min' );
            $max_price = $product->get_variation_price( 'max' );
            $ebookstore_woo .= '<strong class="amount">'.esc_attr($currency).''.$min_price.' - '.esc_attr($currency).''.$max_price.'</strong>';

    As you can see I am using the WC_Product_Variable methods

    May be you don't know, but woocommerce has several formatting price functions as:

    • wc_price( $price );
    • wc_format_price_range( $from, $to );
    • wc_format_sale_price( $regular_price, $sale_price );

    They will all include the currency