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Laravel - CNAME + Subdomain Routing

I have my routes set up as follows:


    'domain' => '{username}.u.'.env('APP_DOMAIN'),
], function () {
    Route::get('/', 'FrontendController@site');

    'domain' => env('APP_DOMAIN'),
], function () {
    // Regular site routes

    'domain' => '{domain}',
], function () {
    Route::get('/', 'FrontendController@domain');

What I'm trying to achieve is allowing users to have their own sites, e.g., and for those sites to also be served through a custom domain that is CNAME'd to their subdomain. Using the routing above, the wildcard subdomain works perfectly fine. However the custom domain routing is never hit; whenever a custom domain that is CNAME'd to the subdomain is visited, the regular site routes are used.

APP_DOMAIN is not the same as the custom domain, and I have $router->pattern('domain', '[a-z0-9.]+'); in my RouteServiceProvider.php to allow {domain} as a full domain name.


  • Unfortunately I did not get an answer to my comment. This answer assumes the problem is that normal default routes are used instead of routes with subdomain.


    A user is visiting but route() returns instead of

    You can solve this by dynamically create the pattern for domain inside routes.php

    // routes.php
    $url_parameters = @explode(".", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    if (count($url_parameters) == 3)
        $pattern = '{subdomain}.{domain}.{tld}';
        $pattern = '{domain}.{tld}';
    Route::group(['domain' => $pattern], function () {
        Route::get('/', [
            'as' => 'get_index',
            'uses' => 'HomeController@getIndex'

    By using this method you will create a problem with your route() and controller parameters.

    route() problem

    When calling the route() function while using this method you will get a missing argument error. The route() function expects you to give the {subdomain}.{domain}.{tld} parameters.

    You can solve this by creating your own route function. I named it mdroute() (multi domain route).

    function mdroute($route, $parameters = [])
        $data = [
            'domain' => \Request::route()->domain,
            'tld' => \Request::route()->tld
        $subdomain = \Request::route()->subdomain;
        if ($subdomain) $data['subdomain'] = $subdomain;
        // You can use mdroute('blabla', 'parameter')
        // or mdroute('blabla', ['par1' => 'parameter1', 'par2' => 'parameter2'])
        if (is_array($parameters))
            $data = array_merge($data, $parameters);
            $data[] = $parameters;
        return route($route, $data);

    Controller problem

    The parameters {sub}.{domain}.{tld} are always send to your controller. You can't access other parameters the way you are used to be.


    // Domain =
    // Your route
    Route::get('/post/{id}/{param2}', [
        'uses' => 'PostController@getIndex'
    // PostController
    public function getIndex($id, $param2)
        // $id will be 'sub'
        // $param2 will be 'website'

    You can solve this by accessing your parameter through the Request object.

    public function getIndex(Request $request)
        $id = $request->id;
        $param2 = $reqeust->param2;