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Problem with gif images in cfform

The funny thing is the jpg images show up, but the gif images won't. whyyy???

<cfform name="theForm" action="" format="flash" skin="haloorange" height="1450" width="850"> 
   <cfformgroup type="tile" style="horizontalGap:5; verticalGap:10; horizontalAlign:center; verticalAlign:middle;">
  <cfoutput query="qryImg">
    <cfformgroup type="vdividedbox" >
       <cfformitem type="html" height="230" width="134" >
         <img src="thumbs/"  height="92"/><br/>
         <cfinput name="del#currentRow#" type="checkbox" label="Delete #name#" width="100" align="middle">


  • I hesitate to suggest it, but if flash forms are a requirement, what about using <cfinput type="image">? It sounds like the underlying flex support might be spotty. Even in later versions.