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"Possibly unhandled rejection: ZERO_RESULTS" angular 1.6.6 ng-map Geocode ui-bootstrap

I have been struggling trying to solve Possibly unhandled rejection: ZERO_RESULTS-messages that I get when closing a ui bootstrap modal with a ng-map inside of it. There is two of the same entry.

Here is an image of the errormessages:
Error message from console

From what I have gathered it is exactly what it says.. An unhandled rejection. I have went through all promises I use in my controller and all of them have a .catch()-block. This has led me to belive that the error is from a thirdparty plugin.

This is the markup for ng-map:

<div map-lazy-load="" 
     map-lazy-load-params="{{map.apiKey}}" lazy-init="true">
    <ng-map zoom="14" center="{{map.coordinates.x}},{{map.coordinates.y}}">
        <marker position="{{map.coordinates.x}},{{map.coordinates.y}}">

I removed the <marker> and one of the error messages goes away. If I remove the <ng-map> aswell the other message is gone, however that means that the map and the marker are gone.

NOTE: Hiding the error message is NOT an option.


  • Try to specify fake coodrinates for map.coordinates.x and map.coordinates.y on marker and ng-map directives. Properties position and center need a valid numbers and if they are not provided angular throws an error. This is the best i came with.