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There's some way to generate diagrams for spring integration dsl flows?

I have a running app that defines some spring integration flows with inbound/outbound gateways, splitters, aggregators,routers and etc...

These flows are all created using spring integration dsl and annotations... so no XML's.

There is any tool out there that can generate the EE patterns diagrams for it?

This question states that Intellij can do it for xml configurations... I want something similar that works with dsl IntegrationFlow's


  • There is Spring Flo project and based on its foundation we have expose the IntegrationGraphController with the Graph tree to represent integration flows as JSON. That model can be used to visualize realtime of your application.

    In addition we have a sample application with the mentioned functionality.


    The spring-flo project is in the process of being migrated to angular 4/5.

    To build and run the viewer:

    git checkout angular-1.x
    cd samples/spring-flo-si
    mvn clean package
    java -jar target/spring-flo-sample-si-0.0.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar

    In a browser go to http://localhost:8082 and enter the URL for your app that has the integration graph enabled; click Load.

    Enabling the graph endpoint is documented here.