I have been lucky to find String.fromCharCode()
. It has helped me significantly. However, I noticed it doesn't take into account the shift modifier. I know the event.shiftKey
property and use it, but right now I need to get the key value (eg: "A" or "a") which takes into account the shift key modifier. At first I used String.toLowerCase()
.. But I neglected to think of number keys, to give one example: "5" (without shift) and "%" (with shift). I need to differentiate between the two in my program. What's an easy way to get the key char value?
This brute force technique isn't the prettiest, but it seems to work. I'm in search of the same functionality.
function mapKeyPressToActualCharacter(isShiftKey, characterCode) {
if ( characterCode === 27 || characterCode === 8 || characterCode === 9 || characterCode === 20 || characterCode === 16 || characterCode === 17 || characterCode === 91 || characterCode === 13 || characterCode === 92 || characterCode === 18 ) {
return false;
if (typeof isShiftKey != "boolean" || typeof characterCode != "number") {
return false;
var characterMap = [];
characterMap[192] = "~";
characterMap[49] = "!";
characterMap[50] = "@";
characterMap[51] = "#";
characterMap[52] = "$";
characterMap[53] = "%";
characterMap[54] = "^";
characterMap[55] = "&";
characterMap[56] = "*";
characterMap[57] = "(";
characterMap[48] = ")";
characterMap[109] = "_";
characterMap[107] = "+";
characterMap[219] = "{";
characterMap[221] = "}";
characterMap[220] = "|";
characterMap[59] = ":";
characterMap[222] = "\"";
characterMap[188] = "<";
characterMap[190] = ">";
characterMap[191] = "?";
characterMap[32] = " ";
var character = "";
if (isShiftKey) {
if ( characterCode >= 65 && characterCode <= 90 ) {
character = String.fromCharCode(characterCode);
} else {
character = characterMap[characterCode];
} else {
if ( characterCode >= 65 && characterCode <= 90 ) {
character = String.fromCharCode(characterCode).toLowerCase();
} else {
character = String.fromCharCode(characterCode);
return character;