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How to compare V8 Javascript Engine version between Chrome and NodeJS in terminal?

Every time that a feature of ECMAscript specification is implemented (see link below) in V8 Javascript Engine from Google Chrome browser we are never know when will be available on NodeJS Server. I always wanted a simple way to find out that information typing into Terminal on Bash command line (CLI).

ECMAScript Compatibility Table:

Well, now I would like share it with you!


  • For check the current version installed of Google Chrome browser, NodeJS Server or V8 Javascript Engine from NodeJS, type into Terminal on Bash CLI:

    $ google-chrome --product-version
    $ node --version
    $ node -p process.versions.v8

    No needs Grep or AWK or Sed to trimming the text resultant!

    For check the version of V8 Javascript Engine from Chrome browser, type the URL chrome://version on Address bar.

    For find out which Chrome version implemented each ECMAScript spec feature, access the site below and filter the category Javascript:

    For find out which V8 version came with past Chrome versions, access the site below: