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How to create a Range in JOOL

Can anyone help me with an example of how to create Range in JOOL & What is the meaning of a Range in JOOL? Its java doc says

A range is a special {@link Tuple2} with two times the same type.

Also, Range has methods like

public boolean overlaps(Tuple2<T, T> other) {
    return Tuple2.overlaps(this, other);

public boolean overlaps(T t1, T t2) {
    return overlaps(new Range<>(t1, t2));

public Optional<Range<T>> intersect(Tuple2<T, T> other) {
    return Tuple2.intersect(this, other).map(Range::new);

public Optional<Range<T>> intersect(T t1, T t2) {
    return intersect(new Range<>(t1, t2));

Please explain use-case of these as well. Thanks!


  • Range is basically like a range in mathematics e.g. 1..6 is a range starting from 1 and ending at 6. A range can be created in two ways:-

    1. By Calling constructor with parameter of type Tuple2 from Jool Library

    Range range = new Range<>(Tuple.tuple(20, 30));


    1. By calling constructor with 2 same type of values

    Range range = new Range<>(20,30);

    Now, you could perform 2 actions on range overlap & intersection.

    Overlap means that there is at least one element in a Range that exists in other range as well. overlaps method returns true or false. See example below:-

    package jool.features.analysis.tuple;
    import org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Range;
    import org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Tuple;
    public class RangeTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Range<Integer> range = new Range<>(20,30);
            Range<Integer> range2 = new Range<>(Tuple.tuple(20,30));
            System.out.println(range.overlaps(22,40)); // returns true as 22 falls between 20 & 30.

    Similarly, a intersection means a Range that comes out of intersection between two Ranges. See example below:-

    package jool.features.analysis.tuple;

    import org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Range;
    import org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Tuple;
    public class RangeTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Range<Integer> range = new Range<>(20,30);
            Range<Integer> range2 = new Range<>(Tuple.tuple(20,30));
            System.out.println(range.intersection(22,40)); // returns Range(22,30) 

    In Range you could either pass same type of values or a Tuple2 of generic type as below:-

    Tuple2<T,T> where T is any Generic Type

    i.e. Both the values in tuple should be of same type and Tuple should be of length 2 only.

    It took a while for me to understand how it all works. But I still don't understand a use-case scenario where using Range fits in.