I'm trying to wrap my head around prototypal inheritance. I've read the MDN documentation on it, but it didn't leave me much smarter. I have the following code so far...
var Vertex = function(id, options){
this.options = options || {};
this.id = id;
this.position = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this.acceleration = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this.toString = function(){
return this.id.toString();
this.edge_count = 0;
this.edges = {};
this.options.label = {
text: '',
direction: 'x',
distance: '10'
... from which I want to "inherit" all the properties added by the constructor. Vertex has a paint method that adds a Mesh as the Vertex's object
. So I wrote...
var CameraVertex = function(id, camera){
this.object = camera;
this.id = id;
CameraVertex.prototype = Object.create(Vertex.prototype);
CameraVertex.prototype.constructor = CameraVertex;
... so I'd be able to use CameraVertex as a drop in replacement for Vertex (except the constructor, which simply assigns the camera to the Vertex's object property, which would usually hold a Mesh or a Group.
But for some reason, there seems to be no source.object
when I create an edge between the CameraVertex and a regular vertex.
The complete example can be found at Social Cartography after clicking signin with google and selecting the vertex with your mouse.
When you call the constructor of the inherited Object you need to pass also all necessary parameters.
var CameraVertex = function(id, camera, options){
Vertex.call(this, id, options);
this.object = camera;
this.id = id;
Even though I'm not familiar with THREE so I don't understand your problem with source.object, so far I can see this problem.