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How to implement equation amnog two raster grid cells ( Calculate average wind using u and v wind components on each grid cells)

I have two raster stack files ur and vr with u and v component of wind speed respectively. How can I calculate average wind speed and direction in each grid cell ? I know I can calculate wind direction using following equation

windir<-calc(atan2(vwind, uwind) * 360/2/pi) + 180 

and average wind using

winav<- ((mean.u^2 + mean.v^2)^0.5)

My problem is how can I implement these equations on each grid cells of ur and vr I referred to this question and other links however still stocked in this calculation.


  • With RasterStacks vr and ur

    vr <- stack(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster")) 
    ur <- flip(vr, 'y')

    You can indeed use your formulas:

    windir <- atan2(vr, ur) * 180/pi + 180
    winav <- (ur^2 + vr^2)^0.5

    Alternatively, you can use overlay

    windir2 <- overlay(vr, ur, fun=function(x,y) atan2(x,y) *180/pi + 180)
    winav2 <- overlay(vr, ur, fun=function(x, y) (x^2 + y^2)^0.5 )