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How to use NuSMV to witness the man-in-the-middle attack (Needham-Schroeder protocol)?

I have the following simplified public-key Needham-Schroeder protocol:

  1. A → B: {Na, A} Kb
  2. B → A: {Na, Nb} Ka
  3. A → B: {Nb} Kb

where Na, Nb are the nonces of A, B, and Ka, Kb are the public keys of A, B respectively.

Messages encrypted by a party’s public key can only be decrypted by the party.

At Step (1), A initiates the protocol by sending a nonce and its identity (encrypted by B’s public key) to B. Using its private key, B deciphers the message and gets A’s identity.

At Step (2), B sends A’s and its nonces (encrypted by A’s public key) back to A. Using its private key, A decodes the message and checks its nonce is returned.

At Step (3), A returns B’s nonce (encrypted by B’s public key) back to B.

Here is the main-in-the-middle attack to the above simplified protocol:

  • (1A) A → E: {Na, A} Ke (A wants to talk to E)
  • (1B) E → B: {Na, A} Kb (E wants to convince B that it is A)
  • (2B) B → E: {Na, Nb} Ka (B returns nonces encrypted by Ka)
  • (2A) E → A: {Na, Nb} Ka (E forwards the encrypted message to A)
  • (3A) A → E: {Nb} Ke (A confirms it is talking to E)
  • (3B) E → B: {Nb} Kb (E returns B’s nonce back)

I hope that when the attack was found, a fix was proposed to prevent the attack (B sends its identity along with the nonces back to A):

  1. A → B: {Na, A} Kb
  2. B → A: {Na, Nb, B} Ka (B sends its identity along with the nonces back to A)
  3. A → B: {Nb} Kb

The questions are:

  1. How can I write an LTL formula and a NuSMV module eve to model the attacker and witness the man-in-the middle attack?
  2. How to prevents the attack?

The process of alice(A):

MODULE alice (in0, in1, inkey, out0, out1, outkey)
    st : { request, wait, attack, finish };
    nonce : { NONE, Na, Nb, Ne };
    init (st) := request;
    next (st) := case
        st = request                        : wait;
        st = wait & in0 = Na & inkey = Ka   : attack;
        st = attack                         : finish;
        TRUE                                : st;

    init (nonce) := NONE;
    next (nonce) := case
        st = wait & in0 = Na & inkey = Ka : in1;
        TRUE                              : nonce;

    init (out0) := NONE;
    next (out0) := case
        st = request : Na;
        st = attack  : nonce;
        TRUE         : out0;

    init (out1) := NOONE;
    next (out1) := case
        st = request : Ia;
        st = attack  : NOONE;
        TRUE         : out1;

    init (outkey) := NOKEY;
    next (outkey) := case
        st = request : { Kb };
        TRUE         : outkey;
FAIRNESS running;

The process of bob(B):

MODULE bob (in0, in1, inkey, out0, out1, outkey)
    st : { wait, receive, confirm, done };
    nonce : { NONE, Na, Nb, Ne };
    other : { NOONE, Ia, Ib, Ie };
    init (st) := wait;
    next (st) := case
        st = wait & in0 = Na & in1 = Ia & inkey = Kb       : receive;
        st = wait & in0 = Ne & in1 = Ie & inkey = Kb       : receive;
        st = receive                                       : confirm;
        st = confirm & in0 = Nb & in1 = NOONE & inkey = Kb : done;
        TRUE                                               : st;

    init (nonce) := NONE;
    next (nonce) := case
        st = wait & in0 = Na & in1 = Ia & inkey = Kb : in0;
        st = wait & in0 = Ne & in1 = Ie & inkey = Kb : in0;
        TRUE                                         : nonce;

    init (other) := NOONE;
    next (other) := case
        st = wait & in0 = Na & in1 = Ia & inkey = Kb : in1;
        st = wait & in0 = Ne & in1 = Ie & inkey = Kb : in1;
        TRUE                                         : other;

    init (out0) := NONE;
    next (out0) := case
        st = confirm : nonce;
        TRUE         : out0;

    init (out1) := NONE;
    next (out1) := case
        st = confirm : Nb;
        TRUE         : out1;

    init (outkey) := NOKEY;
    next (outkey) := case
        st = confirm & other = Ia : Ka;
        st = confirm & other = Ie : Ke;
        TRUE                      : outkey;
FAIRNESS running;

The process of main:

MODULE main 
    a_in0 : { NONE, Na, Nb, Ne };
    a_in1 : { NONE, Na, Nb, Ne };
    a_out0 : { NONE, Na, Nb, Ne };
    a_out1 : { NOONE, Ia, Ib, Ie };
    a_inkey : { NOKEY, Ka, Kb, Ke };
    a_outkey : { NOKEY, Ka, Kb, Ke };
    a : process alice (a_in0, a_in1, a_inkey, a_out0, a_out1, a_outkey);
    b : process bob (a_out0, a_out1, a_outkey, a_in0, a_in1, a_inkey);
FAIRNESS running;

LTLSPEC F ( = finish & = done)

Thanks a lot!


  • (note: modeling and verifying the system you have in mind with some other tool (e.g. Spin or the STIATE Toolkit) would be much more simple.)

    Alice and Bob.

    Here we model the type of user that behaves in a honest, transparent manner and that in your use-case can be instantiated as either Alice or Bob.

    As a simplification, i hard-coded the fact that if the user is Alice then it will initiate the protocol by trying to contact the other entity.

    The inputs my_nonce, my_id and my_key define a user's identity, whereas other_key and other_id represent the publicly available information about the other user we want to get in touch with. Inputs in_1, in_2 and in_k are just like in your code example, whereas in_3 is reserved for exchanging the third value used in the patched version of the protocol.

    A user can be in one of five states:

    • IDLE: initial state, Alice will initiate the protocol whereas Bob waits for some request.
    • WAIT_RESPONSE: when Alice waits to a response to her request
    • WAIT_CONFIRMATION: when Bob waits to a confirmation to his response
    • OK: when Alice and Bob handshake has been successful
    • ERROR: when something goes wrong in the handshake (e.g. unexpected inputs)

    A user can perform one of the following actions:

    • SEND_REQUEST: {Na, IA} Kb
    • SEND_RESPONSE: {Na, Nb} Ka

    As a simplification, similarly to your own model, I made output values persistent along several transitions instead of putting them back immediately to NONE. In this way, I don't have to add extra variables to keep track of input values before they are resetted.

    MODULE user(patched, my_nonce, my_id, my_key, other_key, other_id, in_1, in_2, in_3, in_k)
        out_1  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        out_2  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        out_3  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        out_k  : { NONE, KA, KB, KE };
        state = IDLE & action = NONE & out_1 = NONE
        & out_2 = NONE & out_3 = NONE & out_k = NONE;
    -- protocol actions defining outputs
        next(action) = SEND_REQUEST -> (
            next(out_1) = my_nonce & next(out_2) = my_id &
            next(out_3) = NONE     & next(out_k) = other_key
        ((next(action) = SEND_RESPONSE) & patched) -> (
            next(out_1) = in_1     & next(out_2) = my_nonce &
            next(out_3) = my_id    & next(out_k) = other_key
        ((next(action) = SEND_RESPONSE) & !patched) -> (
            next(out_1) = in_1     & next(out_2) = my_nonce &
            next(out_3) = NONE     & next(out_k) = other_key
        next(action) = SEND_CONFIRMATION -> (
            next(out_1) = in_2     & next(out_2) = NONE &
            next(out_3) = NONE     & next(out_k) = other_key
    -- outputs stabilization: easier modeling
        next(action) = NONE -> (
            next(out_1) = out_1    & next(out_2) = out_2 &
            next(out_3) = out_3    & next(out_k) = out_k
    -- protocol life-cycle
        -- protocol: end-positions
        (action = NONE &
         state = ERROR)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = ERROR;
        (action = NONE &
         state = OK)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = OK;
        -- protocol: send request
        (action = NONE &
         state = IDLE &
         my_id = IA)
                            : next(action) = SEND_REQUEST &
                              next(state) = WAIT_RESPONSE;
        -- protocol: handle request
        (action = NONE &
         state = IDLE &
         in_k = my_key)
                            : next(action) = SEND_RESPONSE &
                              next(state) = WAIT_CONFIRMATION;
        -- protocol: handle response
        -- without patch
        (action = NONE &
         state = WAIT_RESPONSE &
         in_k = my_key &
         in_1 = my_nonce &
                            : next(action) = SEND_CONFIRMATION &
                              next(state) = OK;
        -- with patch
        (action = NONE &
         state = WAIT_RESPONSE &
         in_k = my_key &
         in_1 = my_nonce &
         in_3 = other_id &
                            : next(action) = SEND_CONFIRMATION &
                              next(state) = OK;
        -- protocol: handle confirmation
        (action = NONE &
         state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION &
         in_k = my_key &
         in_1 = my_nonce)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = OK;
        -- protocol: no change state while performing action
        (action != NONE)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = state;
        -- protocol: no state change if no valid input
        (action = NONE &
         in_k != my_key)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = state;
        -- sink error condition for malformed inputs
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = ERROR;

    We add a very simple main module and a simple CTL property to check that Alice and Bob behave in the expected way and are able to complete the handshake in normal circumstances:

    MODULE main
        a1 : process user(FALSE, NA, IA, KA, KB, IB, b1.out_1, b1.out_2, b1.out_3, b1.out_k);
        b1 : process user(FALSE, NB, IB, KB, KA, IA, a1.out_1, a1.out_2, a1.out_3, a1.out_k);
    FAIRNESS running;
    CTLSPEC ! EF (a1.state = OK & b1.state = OK);

    The output is the following one:

    NuSMV > reset; read_model -i ns01.smv ; go ; check_property             
    -- specification !(EF (a1.state = OK & b1.state = OK))  is false
    -- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
    Trace Description: CTL Counterexample 
    Trace Type: Counterexample 
      -> State: 1.1 <-
        a1.state = IDLE
        a1.action = NONE
        a1.out_1 = NONE
        a1.out_2 = NONE
        a1.out_3 = NONE
        a1.out_k = NONE
        b1.state = IDLE
        b1.action = NONE
        b1.out_1 = NONE
        b1.out_2 = NONE
        b1.out_3 = NONE
        b1.out_k = NONE
      -> Input: 1.2 <-
        _process_selector_ = main
        running = TRUE
        b1.running = FALSE
        a1.running = FALSE
      -> State: 1.2 <-
        a1.state = WAIT_RESPONSE
        a1.action = SEND_REQUEST
        a1.out_1 = NA
        a1.out_2 = IA
        a1.out_k = KB
      -> Input: 1.3 <-
      -> State: 1.3 <-
        a1.action = NONE
        b1.state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION
        b1.action = SEND_RESPONSE
        b1.out_1 = NA
        b1.out_2 = NB
        b1.out_k = KA
      -> Input: 1.4 <-
      -> State: 1.4 <-
        a1.state = OK
        a1.action = SEND_CONFIRMATION
        a1.out_1 = NB
        a1.out_2 = NONE
        b1.action = NONE
      -> Input: 1.5 <-
      -> State: 1.5 <-
        a1.action = NONE
        b1.state = OK

    Alice, Bob and Eve.

    In order to model our attack scenario, we first need to model the attacker. This is very similar to Alice and Bob, only that it has double inputs and outputs so that it can communicate with both Alice and Bob at the same time.

    Its design is very similar to that of Alice and Bob, so I won't spend many words on it. As a simplification, i removed any error checking on the attacker, since it does not actually have any meaningful reason to fail in the use-case scenario being considered. Not doing so would complicate the code for no good reason.

    MODULE attacker(my_nonce, my_id, my_key, a_key, b_key,
        ain_1, ain_2, ain_3, ain_k,
        bin_1, bin_2, bin_3, bin_k)
        aout_1  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        aout_2  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        aout_3  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        aout_k  : { NONE, KA, KB, KE };
        bout_1  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        bout_2  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        bout_3  : { NONE, NA, NB, NE, IA, IB, IE };
        bout_k  : { NONE, KA, KB, KE };
        state = IDLE & action = NONE &
            aout_1 = NONE & aout_2 = NONE & aout_3 = NONE & aout_k = NONE &
            bout_1 = NONE & bout_2 = NONE & bout_3 = NONE & bout_k = NONE;
    -- protocol actions defining outputs
        -- attacker: forward A secrets to B
        next(action) = SEND_REQUEST -> (
            next(aout_1) = NONE    & next(aout_2) = NONE  &
            next(aout_3) = NONE    & next(aout_k) = NONE  &
            next(bout_1) = ain_1   & next(bout_2) = ain_2 &
            next(bout_3) = ain_3   & next(bout_k) = b_key
        -- attacker: forward B response to A (cannot be unencripted)
        next(action) = SEND_RESPONSE -> (
            next(aout_1) = bin_1   & next(aout_2) = bin_2 &
            next(aout_3) = bin_3   & next(aout_k) = bin_k &
            next(bout_1) = NONE    & next(bout_2) = NONE  &
            next(bout_3) = NONE    & next(bout_k) = NONE
        -- attacker: send confirmation to B
        next(action) = SEND_CONFIRMATION -> (
            next(aout_1) = NONE    & next(aout_2) = NONE &
            next(aout_3) = NONE    & next(aout_k) = NONE &
            next(bout_1) = ain_1   & next(bout_2) = NONE &
            next(bout_3) = NONE    & next(bout_k) = b_key
    -- outputs stabilization: easier modeling
        next(action) = NONE -> (
            next(aout_1) = aout_1  & next(aout_2) = aout_2 &
            next(aout_3) = aout_3  & next(aout_k) = aout_k &
            next(bout_1) = bout_1  & next(bout_2) = bout_2 &
            next(bout_3) = bout_3  & next(bout_k) = bout_k
    -- attack life-cycle
        -- attack: end-positions
        (action = NONE &
         state = ERROR)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = ERROR;
        (action = NONE &
         state = OK)
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = OK;
        -- attack: handle request, send forged request
        (action = NONE &
         state = IDLE &
         ain_k = my_key)
                            : next(action) = SEND_REQUEST &
                              next(state) = WAIT_RESPONSE;
        -- attack: handle response, forward undecryptable response
        (action = NONE &
         state = WAIT_RESPONSE &
         bin_k = a_key)
                            : next(action) = SEND_RESPONSE &
                              next(state) = WAIT_CONFIRMATION;
        -- attack: handle confirmation, send confirmation
        (action = NONE &
         state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION &
         ain_k = my_key)
                            : next(action) = SEND_CONFIRMATION &
                              next(state) = OK;
        -- attack: simple catch-all control no error checking
                            : next(action) = NONE &
                              next(state) = state;

    Again, we add a very simple main module and a simple CTL property to check that Eve is able to successfully attack Alice and Bob.. at the end of it, Alice thinks to be talking to Eve (as it is) and Bob thinks to be talking with Alice when it's truly talking with Eve.

    MODULE main
        a2 : process user(FALSE, NA, IA, KA, KE, IE, e2.aout_1, e2.aout_2, e2.aout_3, e2.aout_k);
        b2 : process user(FALSE, NB, IB, KB, KA, IA, e2.bout_1, e2.bout_2, e2.bout_3, e2.bout_k);
        e2 : process attacker(NE, IE, KE, KA, KB,
                              a2.out_1, a2.out_2, a2.out_3, a2.out_k,
                              b2.out_1, b2.out_2, b2.out_3, b2.out_k);
    FAIRNESS running;
    CTLSPEC ! EF (a2.state = OK & b2.state = OK & e2.state = OK);

    The output follows:

    NuSMV > reset; read_model -i ns02.smv ; go ; check_property
    -- specification !(EF ((a2.state = OK & b2.state = OK) & e2.state = OK))  is false
    -- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
    Trace Description: CTL Counterexample 
    Trace Type: Counterexample 
      -> State: 1.1 <-
        a2.state = IDLE
        a2.action = NONE
        a2.out_1 = NONE
        a2.out_2 = NONE
        a2.out_3 = NONE
        a2.out_k = NONE
        b2.state = IDLE
        b2.action = NONE
        b2.out_1 = NONE
        b2.out_2 = NONE
        b2.out_3 = NONE
        b2.out_k = NONE
        e2.state = IDLE
        e2.action = NONE
        e2.aout_1 = NONE
        e2.aout_2 = NONE
        e2.aout_3 = NONE
        e2.aout_k = NONE
        e2.bout_1 = NONE
        e2.bout_2 = NONE
        e2.bout_3 = NONE
        e2.bout_k = NONE
      -> Input: 1.2 <-
        _process_selector_ = main
        running = TRUE
        e2.running = FALSE
        b2.running = FALSE
        a2.running = FALSE
      -> State: 1.2 <-
        a2.state = WAIT_RESPONSE
        a2.action = SEND_REQUEST
        a2.out_1 = NA
        a2.out_2 = IA
        a2.out_k = KE
      -> Input: 1.3 <-
      -> State: 1.3 <-
        a2.action = NONE
        e2.state = WAIT_RESPONSE
        e2.action = SEND_REQUEST
        e2.bout_1 = NA
        e2.bout_2 = IA
        e2.bout_k = KB
      -> Input: 1.4 <-
      -> State: 1.4 <-
        b2.state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION
        b2.action = SEND_RESPONSE
        b2.out_1 = NA
        b2.out_2 = NB
        b2.out_k = KA
        e2.action = NONE
      -> Input: 1.5 <-
      -> State: 1.5 <-
        b2.action = NONE
        e2.state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION
        e2.action = SEND_RESPONSE
        e2.aout_1 = NA
        e2.aout_2 = NB
        e2.aout_k = KA
        e2.bout_1 = NONE
        e2.bout_2 = NONE
        e2.bout_k = NONE
      -> Input: 1.6 <-
      -> State: 1.6 <-
        a2.state = OK
        a2.action = SEND_CONFIRMATION
        a2.out_1 = NB
        a2.out_2 = NONE
        e2.action = NONE
      -> Input: 1.7 <-
      -> State: 1.7 <-
        a2.action = NONE
        e2.state = OK
        e2.action = SEND_CONFIRMATION
        e2.aout_1 = NONE
        e2.aout_2 = NONE
        e2.aout_k = NONE
        e2.bout_1 = NB
        e2.bout_k = KB
      -> Input: 1.8 <-
      -> State: 1.8 <-
        b2.state = OK
        e2.action = NONE

    Patched Alice, Bob and Eve.

    Luckily, I already sneaked the patched version of Alice and Bob in the code that I have already shown. So, all that it remains to do is to check that the patch meets the desired behavior by writing a new main that combines Alice, Bob and Eve together:

    MODULE main
        a3 : process user(TRUE, NA, IA, KA, KE, IE, e3.aout_1, e3.aout_2, e3.aout_3, e3.aout_k);
        b3 : process user(TRUE, NB, IB, KB, KA, IA, e3.bout_1, e3.bout_2, e3.bout_3, e3.bout_k);
        e3 : process attacker(NE, IE, KE, KA, KB,
                              a3.out_1, a3.out_2, a3.out_3, a3.out_k,
                              b3.out_1, b3.out_2, b3.out_3, b3.out_k);
    FAIRNESS running;
    CTLSPEC ! EF (a3.state = OK & b3.state = OK & e3.state = OK);
    CTLSPEC ! EF (a3.state = ERROR & b3.state = ERROR);

    The output follows:

    NuSMV > reset; read_model -i ns03.smv ; go ; check_property             
    -- specification !(EF ((a3.state = OK & b3.state = OK) & e3.state = OK))  is true
    -- specification !(EF (a3.state = ERROR & b3.state = ERROR))  is false
    -- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
    Trace Description: CTL Counterexample 
    Trace Type: Counterexample 
      -> State: 1.1 <-
        a3.state = IDLE
        a3.action = NONE
        a3.out_1 = NONE
        a3.out_2 = NONE
        a3.out_3 = NONE
        a3.out_k = NONE
        b3.state = IDLE
        b3.action = NONE
        b3.out_1 = NONE
        b3.out_2 = NONE
        b3.out_3 = NONE
        b3.out_k = NONE
        e3.state = IDLE
        e3.action = NONE
        e3.aout_1 = NONE
        e3.aout_2 = NONE
        e3.aout_3 = NONE
        e3.aout_k = NONE
        e3.bout_1 = NONE
        e3.bout_2 = NONE
        e3.bout_3 = NONE
        e3.bout_k = NONE
      -> Input: 1.2 <-
        _process_selector_ = main
        running = TRUE
        e3.running = FALSE
        b3.running = FALSE
        a3.running = FALSE
      -> State: 1.2 <-
        a3.state = WAIT_RESPONSE
        a3.action = SEND_REQUEST
        a3.out_1 = NA
        a3.out_2 = IA
        a3.out_k = KE
      -> Input: 1.3 <-
      -> State: 1.3 <-
        a3.action = NONE
        e3.state = WAIT_RESPONSE
        e3.action = SEND_REQUEST
        e3.bout_1 = NA
        e3.bout_2 = IA
        e3.bout_k = KB
      -> Input: 1.4 <-
      -> State: 1.4 <-
        b3.state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION
        b3.action = SEND_RESPONSE
        b3.out_1 = NA
        b3.out_2 = NB
        b3.out_3 = IB
        b3.out_k = KA
        e3.action = NONE
      -> Input: 1.5 <-
      -> State: 1.5 <-
        b3.action = NONE
        e3.state = WAIT_CONFIRMATION
        e3.action = SEND_RESPONSE
        e3.aout_1 = NA
        e3.aout_2 = NB
        e3.aout_3 = IB
        e3.aout_k = KA
        e3.bout_1 = NONE
        e3.bout_2 = NONE
        e3.bout_k = NONE
      -> Input: 1.6 <-
      -> State: 1.6 <-
        a3.state = ERROR
        e3.action = NONE
      -> Input: 1.7 <-
      -> State: 1.7 <-
        e3.state = OK
        e3.action = SEND_CONFIRMATION
        e3.aout_1 = NONE
        e3.aout_2 = NONE
        e3.aout_3 = NONE
        e3.aout_k = NONE
        e3.bout_1 = NA
        e3.bout_k = KB
      -> Input: 1.8 <-
      -> State: 1.8 <-a
        b3.state = ERROR
        e3.action = NONE

    The first property confirms that the attack fails and the handshake is not completed for neither Alice nor Bob because Eve does not fulfil it. The second property shows how the attack is attempted and how it fails in practice.