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Z3 producing different models when run multiple times

I've been using Z3 with the JAVA bindings for 2 years now. For some reason, I've always generated the SMTLib2 code myself as a String and then used the parseSMTLib2String to build the corresponding Z3 Expr. As far as I can remember, every time I entered the exact same input twice with this method, I always got the same model.

But I recently decided to change and to use the JAVA API directly and build the expressions with Basically, I'm not generating the String and then parse it, but I let Z3 do the job of building the Z3 Expr.

What happens now is that I get different models while I've checked that the solver does indeed store the exact same code. My JAVA code looks something like this:

static final Context context = new Context();
static final Solver solver = context.mkSolver();

public static void someFunction(){
    solver.add(; // Add some bool expr to the solver
    Status status = solver.check();
    if(status == SATISFIABLE){
        System.out.println(solver.getModel()); // Prints different model with same expr

I'm making more than 1 call to "someFunction()" during runtime, and the checked expression changes. But if I run my program twice, the same sequence of expression is checked and sometimes give me different models from one run to another.

I've tried disabling the auto-config parameter and setting my own random seed, but Z3 still produces different models sometimes. I'm only using bounded Integer variables and uninterpreted functions. Am I using the API in the wrong way?

I could add the whole SMTLib2 code to this question if needed but it isn't really short and contains multiple solver calls (I don't even know which of them will produce a different model from one execution to another, I just know that some do).

I must precise that I've read the following threads but found the answers to be either outdated or (if I understood correctly) in favour of "Z3 is deterministic and should produce the same model for the same input":

Z3 timing variation

Randomness in Z3 Results

different run time for the same code in Z3

Edit: Surprisingly enough, with the following code I seem to always get the same models and Z3 now seems deterministic. However, the memory consumption is huge compared to my previous code since I need to keep the context in memory for a while. Any idea what I could do to achieve the same behaviour with less memory use ?

public static void someFunction(){
    Context context = new Context();
    Solver solver = context.mkSolver();
    solver.add(; // Add some bool expr to the solver
    Status status = solver.check();
    if(status == SATISFIABLE){
        System.out.println(solver.getModel()); // Seem to always print the same model :-)

Here is the memory consumption I get from calling the method "someFunction" multiple times: enter image description here


  • As long as it doesn't toggle between SAT and UNSAT on the same problem, it's not a bug.

    One of the answers you linked explains what's happening:

    Randomness in Z3 Results

    "That being said, if we solve the same problem twice in the same execution path, then Z3 can produce different models. Z3 assigns internal unique IDs to expressions. The internal IDs are used to break ties in some heuristics used by Z3. Note that the loop in your program is creating/deleting expressions. So, in each iteration, the expressions representing your constraints may have different internal IDs, and consequently the solver may produce different solutions."

    Perhaps when it's parsing it's assigning the same ids, whereas with the API it may differ, although I'd find that a bit hard to believe...

    If you need this behavior and you're sure it was doing this from the SMT encoding, you could always print the expressions from the API then parse them.