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Why the ModR/M:rm field is 100 in mov al, byte ptr [rbx + rsi*2 + 0x100]?

The instruction

mov al, byte ptr [rbx + rsi*2 + 0x100]

is encoded to

8a 84 73 00 01 00 00

meaning that ModR/M is 0x84 or 10.000.100

I understand the mod (10) and the reg (000) fields, but don't know why rm is 100. Could anyone explain the rule used here?


  • The rm field is 100 to indicate a SIB (scale index base) operand. This operand is elaborated in the SIB byte, which if present, immediately follows the modr/m byte. In this case, the SIB byte is 0x73 or 01.110.011, indicating a scale (01) of 2, rsi (110) as the index register and rbx (011) as the base register.

    Refer to the Intel manuals for details.