I am trying to map an object in the model hook. I have this object provided by mirage.
let temp = {"users": [
In the model hook I want to use this:
return this.get('store').findAll('user').then(x => x.map(x => x.id + x.forename + x.surname));
I am getting this:
1[object Object][object Object] 2[object Object][object Object] 133000[object Object][object Object] 3[object Object][object Object]
And I am using this in the template (at the moment just for test if it works):
{{#each model as |SingleUser|}}
I tried to just map to the ID and this works fine. Furthermore it works fine if I will declare the temp directly in the model hook. Is there anything with promise which impede my map?
I need this working because I am implementing a ember power select multiselection and I want to show the user the id, forename and surename.
Ember wrapping all POJOs in the store with Ember Object. Unlike POJO, Ember Objects have getters/setters and you should use it like:
obj.set('property', 'value');
You should change your code to:
.then(x => x.map(x => x.get('id') + x.get('forename') + x.get('surname')));
Here are only a few words about getters and setters in official guide: Ember Guides (at the bottom of the page). You also may read get/set API (URLs to API in the guide article).
Also, take a look at computed properties. Probably, this is will be usable in your case.