I know there is a question on the site here about this but that is implemented in c. I need c++ version of it.
Problem is the following: I created a struct which has the following form
struct word
char value[WORD_MAX_LENGTH];
int freq;
I need to send the array of these structs. How can I serialize this struct and send say 500 of them to another process using MPI_Send.
Here is where I got so far:
MPI_Datatype word_type, oldtypes[2];
int blockcounts[2];
MPI_Aint offsets[2], extent;
//Determine the offset and block length of the first element of the struct which is a char array.
offsets[0] = 0;
oldtypes[0] = MPI_CHAR;
blockcounts[0] = WORD_MAX_LENGTH;
//Determine the offset of int ferq of the struct.
MPI_Type_extent(MPI_CHAR, &extent);
offsets[1] = 16 * extent;
blockcounts[1] = 1;
// Finally create the type.
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, blockcounts, offsets, oldtypes, &word_type);
When I do this, it compiles with no error however when I try to run it. It complains
Fatal error in PMPI_Type_create_struct: Invalid datatype, error stack:
PMPI_Type_create_struct(173): MPI_Type_create_struct(count=2,
array_of_displacements=0x7fffbd059f80, array_of_types=0x7fffbd059f60,
newtype=0x7fffbd059f14) failed
PMPI_Type_create_struct(142): Invalid datatype
Any help will be appreciated. Note: I can't use boost libraries.
There are at least two issues
is not initializedoffsets[1]
looks odd, you can use the offsetsof()
macro insteadYou might also have to MPI_Type_create_resized()
if your compiler adds some padding at the end of the word