The function below is one that Derek Banas on youtube on his OO Javascript tutorial uses.
function extend(Child, Parent){
var Temp = function(){};
Temp.prototype = Parent.prototype;
Child.prototype = new Temp();
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
Why must we use the Temp prototype? Why can't we just do this:
function extend(Child, Parent){
Child.prototype = new Parent();
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
Well. The main difference in both the function are in the lines
Temp.prototype = Parent.prototype;
and Child.prototype = new Parent();
The first extend
function shows prototypal inheritance solely. The Child
wouldn't inherit any property from the Parent
, which isn't there in its' prototype, as you can see, you are not calling the parent's constructor
I have created a fiddle to explain this here.
In the second extend function, as you are calling the Parent's constructor
Child.prototype = new Parent()
, all the properties of the Parent
, which are there in Parent's prototype alongwith all those which aren't will be inherited by the Child
; i.e it will all go into the Child's prototype
I have created a fiddle here to explain this as well.