I want to know how I can create a script that replaces "https://www." in the Reddit URL, with "ps." when I click a bookmark. Does anyone know how I can do this? My programming knowledge is pretty limited.
What you're talking about it a "bookmarklet".
In Chrome, open up the bookmark bar. Right click it, press "Add page", give it a name, then paste in as a value (instead of a URL) a javascript function, e.g. like this (taken from crossbrowsertesting.com):
javascript:(function(){if(typeof cbt_script=='undefined'){cbt_script=document.createElement('SCRIPT');cbt_script.type='text/javascript';cbt_script.src='https://crossbrowsertesting.com/cbt_bookmarklet.js.php?random='+(new Date()).getTime();document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(cbt_script);}else{showCBTbookmarklet();}})();
So now the question is only "how do i make javascript edit the current adress?" Well that's easy, just use window.location.href = '';
so for example:
Will take you to https://google.com.
So now we make the javascript take the current page and transform it somewhat:
// The weird structure of the function is because it's a "self running"
// function, they look like this (function(){/*code*/})();
(function () {
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
var newUrl = currentUrl.replace("https://", "https://ps.");
window.location.href = newUrl;
Or in bookmarklet form and shortened down:
This would turn e.g. https://google.com into https://ps.google.com when you press the bookmark.
Note that you need http or https at the start, otherwise the location.replace function won't open it the way you want it to.