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How do I create a script that replaces part of the URL with something else when I click a bookmark?

I want to know how I can create a script that replaces "https://www." in the Reddit URL, with "ps." when I click a bookmark. Does anyone know how I can do this? My programming knowledge is pretty limited.


  • What you're talking about it a "bookmarklet".

    In Chrome, open up the bookmark bar. Right click it, press "Add page", give it a name, then paste in as a value (instead of a URL) a javascript function, e.g. like this (taken from

    javascript:(function(){if(typeof cbt_script=='undefined'){cbt_script=document.createElement('SCRIPT');cbt_script.type='text/javascript';cbt_script.src=''+(new Date()).getTime();document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(cbt_script);}else{showCBTbookmarklet();}})();

    So now the question is only "how do i make javascript edit the current adress?" Well that's easy, just use window.location.href = '';

    so for example:


    Will take you to

    So now we make the javascript take the current page and transform it somewhat:

    // The weird structure of the function is because it's a "self running"
    // function, they look like this (function(){/*code*/})();
    (function () {
    var currentUrl = window.location.href;
    var newUrl = currentUrl.replace("https://", "https://ps.");
    window.location.href = newUrl;

    Or in bookmarklet form and shortened down:


    This would turn e.g. into when you press the bookmark.

    Note that you need http or https at the start, otherwise the location.replace function won't open it the way you want it to.