I use lots of console.log()
statements while developing Apps (and I mean LOTS). How exactly can I remove them without "ejecting"
from a
Create React App
What I considered but not sure how exactly to implement:
In my package.json:
"build": "react-scripts build && uglifyjs --compress drop_console build/static/js/main.xxxxx.js -o build/static/js/main.xxxxx.js
However How exactly can I know the hash
suffix on the main.js
file so I can call this command and save the output js file with same filename
If you just want to suppress log output you could wrap console.log
and use that instead
const log = (...msgs) => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') console.log(...msgs)
You can import / export this, but that sounds like a pain. Seems like a good thing to add to global
global.log = log
global.log('will only log in dev')