I am attempting to make an angularjs filter. I am filtering on three attributes. the first two are comparator false and the last is comparator true. is this possible without making a custom filter? I tried below but it throws an error.
filter :
'PatientFullName' : vm.headerService.searchText,
'Archived' : vm.headerService.Archived,
'PhysicianID' : {vm.headerService.selectedPhysician.PhysicianID,true}
here is the whole html
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4" ng-repeat="patient in vm.patientlist | orderBy: vm.headerService.currentSort.orderBy:vm.headerService.currentSort.sortDescending
| filter :
'PatientFullName' : vm.headerService.searchText,
'Archived' : vm.headerService.Archived,
'PhysicianID' : {vm.headerService.selectedPhysician.PhysicianID,true}
here is the error
angular.js:14794 Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '.' is unexpected, expecting [}] at column 263 of the expression [vm.patientlist | orderBy: vm.headerService.currentSort.orderBy:vm.headerService.currentSort.sortDescending | filter : { 'PatientFullName' : vm.headerService.searchText, 'Archived' : vm.headerService.Archived, 'PhysicianID' : {vm.headerService.selectedPhysician.PhysicianID,true} }] starting at [.headerService.selectedPhysician.PhysicianID,true} }].
is not correct object. To perform filtering by different value of comparator
you may chain filtering:
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4" ng-repeat="patient in vm.patientlist | orderBy: vm.headerService.currentSort.orderBy:vm.headerService.currentSort.sortDescending
| filter :
'PatientFullName' : vm.headerService.searchText,
'Archived' : vm.headerService.Archived
| filter :
'PhysicianID' : vm.headerService.selectedPhysician.PhysicianID
}: true">
But better rewrite that into controller's method. It will improve the readability:
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"
ng-repeat="patient in vm.patientlist |
orderBy: vm.headerService.currentSort.orderBy
: vm.headerService.currentSort.sortDescending
|filter : vm.myFilteringMethod">