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Side effects in Redux reducer

Redux reducers should be without side-effects. But what if an action should trigger the download of a file in the browser where the content is based on the state of the store? Surely this should count as a side effect? Would something like the following be fine or should I be looking for alternative methods?

case 'SAVE_GRID': {
  const { json } = state
  fileDownload(json, 'data.json', 'application/json')
  return state


  • Unless you have very complex state transitions, the actual fileDownload should happen in an action creator, not in the reducer. The reducer should be responsible for merging/reducing state and that is all.


    export const saveGrid = (json) => {
       return (dispatch) => {  
           fileDownload(json, 'data.json', 'application/json')
               .then(() => {
                  dispatch({ type: 'SAVE_GRID', json });


    case 'SAVE_GRID': {
        return {
            json: action.json