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OSGi Code coverage - Jacoco + Easymock

I'm currently working on a Java OSGi project(based on Apache felix runtime) with a project setup like the one below:

  • pkg | parent maven project
  • persistence | real plugin
  • persistence.tests | test plugin (indeed a Fragment project with fragment host the persistence plugin above )
  • ... others like the ones above

Basically I use maven + tycho to manage the lifecycle of the project. the whole stuff flows through a continuos integration pipeline which involves jenkins for building, testing, deploying and forwarding code analysis to a Sonarqube server. Just like mentioned above, tests are implemented through Fragment projects pointing OSGi bundles to be tested. In these tests I make use of EasyMock library to generate mocked OSGi bundles. In order to make Sonarqube aware of tests coverage I had to add Jacoco (maven plugin) into my sets of tools. After a few adjustments to the configuration of my parent pom.xml file I ended up with something that is working partially: jacoco code coverage is only working for classes included in test plugins (the fragment projects). As you may guess - though better than nothing - this result is far from being useful. I need to evalute test coverage on real OSGi bundles. After some googling I understood that the problem could be linked to the usage of EasyMock library, since this alterate original classes during execution causing a mismatch between test classes and real classes. According to my understanding, to solve I need to disable jacoco on-the-fly instrumentation and use offline instrumentation instead.

Nevertheless I'm not able to understand :

  • what does this really means
  • how to do it

Can someone kindly revert on this ?

This is the maven command i'm running to generate jacoco report

mvn -f com.mycompany.osgi.myproject.pkg/pom.xml clean test

Below my current parent pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">


    <!-- Sonar-JaCoCo properties -->












  • As suggested by @Godin, my problems were solved using the following jacoco plugin configurations


    and this project configuration to instruct sonarqube to read expected resources

            <!-- Sonar-JaCoCo properties -->