I have data returned from API call, which is an array. I want to create a list in App Maker to display the items in the array. I have already put my API calling in sever script. How can I load the data into list widget?
You can transform response from your API into Calculated Model's records and then load and bind them on UI:
// Server script
function getCaluculatedModelRecords() {
var apiObjects = getMyMagicObjectsFromApi();
return apiObjects.map(function(apiObj) {
var record = app.models.MyCalculatedModel.newRecord();
record.Field1 = apiObj.field1;
record.Field2 = apiObj.field2;
record.Field3 = apiObj.field3;
return record;
Maybe this sample will be somehow helpful as well: https://developers.google.com/appmaker/samples/calculated-model/