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Table Formatting in Google App Maker html template

I have relation data which is in record form:

Record : { Id: 40, Material: test, Size: test, Description: test, Quantity: test, Spec: test, Price:
test, Delivery: test, Quotes_fk: 21},
Record : { Id: 43, Material: test 2, Size: test 2, Description:
test 2, Quantity: test2, Spec: test2, Price: test2, Delivery: test2, Quotes_fk: 21}

I need to present this as a table on a pdf with the headings Id,Material,Size, Description, Quantity, Spec, Price, Delivery and as I am new to coding can’t work it out. I have managed to use Regex format to make it presentable, but it needs to be in table format. So far I can change the data to a string them replace some of the commas with line breaks.

var quotes = questionnaire.QuoteItems;
var quotes2 = quotes.toString();
var quotes3 = quotes2.replace(/{/g , "<br>");


  • Managed to work through each item in the related record and display using the following code:

    for (var i=0; i < questionnaire.QuoteItems.length; i++) {

    rows.push([questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Material, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Size, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Description, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Quantity, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Spec, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Price, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Delivery]);
