Using the Filesystem API of Tizen SDK, I'm getting a javascript File object that prints the following datas on console.log:
created: Thu Dec 14 2017 09:59:51 GMT+0100 (CET)
fullPath: "/opt/share/folder/image.jpg"
get fileSize: function fileSizeGetter() {var _realPath=commonFS_.toRealPath(this.fullPath);var _result=native_.callSync('File_statSync',{location:_realPath});var _aStatObj=native_.getResultObject(_result);return _aStatObj.isFile?_aStatObj.size:undefined;}
isDirectory: false
isFile: true
length: undefined
mode: "rw"
modified: Thu Dec 14 2017 09:59:51 GMT+0100 (CET)
name: "image.jpg"
parent: File
path: "/opt/share/folder/"
readOnly: false
set fileSize: function () {}
__proto__: File
Problem is that the length of the File is undefined. This cause my Filereader readyState to stay at 0 (EMPTY) state (or maybe the problem is somewhere else).
Why is my code returning undefined for length parameter?
My code:
tizen.filesystem.resolve('/opt/share/folder/image.jpg', function(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = fileLoad;
reader.onerror = function(evt){
Console value for reader:
constructor: FileReaderConstructor
error: null
onabort: null
onerror: function (evt) {
onload: function fileLoad(evt) {
onloadend: null
onloadstart: null
onprogress: null
readyState: 0
result: null
__proto__: FileReaderPrototype
Using the file url to insert image in a canvas is working and the file is existing on device
According to the documentation, length
is for File
instances representing directories (it tells you how many files and directories the directory contains). For a File
actually representing a file, you'd use fileSize
I don't see a FileReader
anywhere in the Tizen file system documentation. Instead, examples reading and writing files use a FileStream
via openStream