Given the code fragment below, how would I use Vavr immutable lists or streams? I can't as a local variable since there is no way to mark it final. I don't want to promote List<CurvePoint> points
to a class member.
import io.vavr.collection.List;
private RemoteFileTemplate template;
public <T> List<T> loadObjects(Class<T> type, InputStream stream) {...}
public List<CurvePoint> getCurvePoints(String path, FTPFile file) {
final List<CurvePoint> points = List.empty();
template.get(path + "/" + file.getName(), s -> {
// The final local variable points cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment
points = points.appendAll(loadObjects(CurvePoint.class, s));
return points;
public class RemoteFileTemplate<F> implements RemoteFileOperations<F>, InitializingBean, BeanFactoryAware {
public boolean get(final String remotePath, final InputStreamCallback callback) {...}
This is the problem with the void doStuff(Callback<Whatever> callback)
syntax: hard to unit test, and tightly couples the emitter (RemoteFileTemplate) with the consumer (Callback code).
If instead the signature was CompletableFuture<Whatever> doStuff()
then you could freely write immutable code (with Vavr or anything else). Then you could write something in the spirit of return List.ofAll(template.get(path + "/" + file.getName()).get())
for synchronous code, or return template.get(path + "/" + file.getName()).thenApply(List::ofAll)
for asynchronous code.