I am writing a test for an authorization server that tests that the content type of an oauth response is JSON. The authorization server is using spring-security-oauth2
and my JUnit test is using rest-assured 2.9.0
public void testTokenEndpoint() throws Exception {
// Client Credentials Grant
ResponseBody clientCredentialsGrantResponseBody =
.authentication().basic(VALID_CLIENT_ID, VALID_CLIENT_SECRET)
.queryParameter("grant_type", CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_GRANT)
.queryParameter("username", VALID_USERNAME)
.queryParameter("password", VALID_PASSWORD)
.queryParameter("scope", VALID_SCOPES)
When I run this test I am greeted with this failure
java.lang.AssertionError: 1 expectation failed.
Expected content-type is "application/json; charset=UTF-8" doesn't match actual content-type "application/json;charset=UTF-8".
So the value of the org.apache.http.entity.ContentType
contains a space between the type and charset, but the the authorization server response content type does not.
Now I could get around this by doing
.assertThat().contentType(is(ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString().replace(" ", "")))
But I feel that there must be a better way.
Is there a content type enum I can use that doesn't have a space? Can the authorization server be configured to include a space in the content type?
You could try using the following class from Spring: org.springframework.http.MediaType
It looks like there is no space in the implementation.