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VHDL: Unable to assign System clock (Sys_Clk) to Signal

Here I have uploaded Simulation Result. In that at highlighted portion it should assign sys_clk to the both signal

I have written vhdl code to assign system clock(Sys_clk) after some delay on defined sclk_1 and sclk_2 signals.

When code run and executed, in simulation after 25 count of the counter, the status of these both signals simply show high (logic level high) instead of system Clock (Sys_Clk).

I'm using Artix 7 Basys -3 Board, and its having 100MHZ system Clock.

Can anyone help me how can I assign system clock (Sys_Clk) on defined signal ??

architecture Behavioral of Power_Sequence is
signal counter : integer := 0;
signal sclk_1 : std_logic := '0';
signal sclk_2 : std_logic := '0';




    if(Sys_Clk 'event and Sys_Clk = '1') then
        if(resetb = '0')then
            sclk_1 <= '0';
            sclk_2 <= '0';
            counter <= counter + 1;
            if (counter > 24 and counter < 50) then
            sclk_1 <= Sys_Clk;
            sclk_2 <= Sys_Clk;
            end if;
        end if;
     end if;    
end process;
end Behavioral;


  • Your code can't works. The code in process between lines :

        if(Sys_Clk 'event and Sys_Clk = '1') then
        end if;

    Will be executed when the Sys_clk is rising. At this moment, the value of the Sys_Clk is '1' ! Then if you copy it on signals sclk_tp and sclk_bt it will always copy '1'.

    To make it works you have to assign sclk_tp and sclk_bt signals in an asynchronous process like this:

    sclk_tp <= Sys_Clk when (counter > 24 and counter < 50) else '0';

    And just use the synchronous process to count.


    As paebbels explain, the line above is not a good solution to make clock gating. You can find a explanation on this stackoverflow response for colck gating.