I am having an OOME problem when trying to run a native SQL query through the jpa / hibernate EM. The treatment serves to make millions of insertion per pack of 50.
Here is code of my algorithm:
private void createNewJetonsForIndividus(boolean isGlobal, List<String> entreprises, List<String> services,
String user, Timestamp dateDB) {
LocalDateTime timer = LocalDateTime.now();
List<Object[]> MinMaxId = getMinMaxIdDroitsIndividusActifsForCreation(
isGlobal, entreprises, services);
if (null != MinMaxId.get(0)[0]) {
int idStart = ((BigInteger) MinMaxId.get(0)[0]).intValue();
int idEnd = idStart + PAS;
int idMax = ((BigInteger) MinMaxId.get(0)[1]).intValue();
int nbRowsTotal = 0;
Logger.debug("Droits Individus : ID Min {} - ID Max {}", idStart, idMax);
do {
int finalIdStart = idStart;
int finalIdEnd = idEnd;
callTransaction(() -> create(false, true,isGlobal, entreprises, services, finalIdStart,
finalIdEnd, user, dateDB));
idStart = idEnd + 1;
idEnd = idEnd + PAS;
while (idMax > idEnd);
the method is used to calculate the id min and max of the records that interest my treatment. Subsequently, I use the create method whose code is below :
int nbRowsFind;
List<Object[]> listeDroitsIndividusActifsForCreation = getDroitsIndividusActifsForCreation(
isGlobal, entreprises, services, idStart, idEnd);
if (ValidationUtils.isNotEmpty(listeDroitsIndividusActifsForCreation)) {
nbRowsFind = listeDroitsIndividusActifsForCreation.size();
StringBuilder sbJeton = new StringBuilder();
sbJeton.append("INSERT INTO sigs_nv_jeton VALUES ");
StringBuilder sbDroitHasJeton = new StringBuilder();
if (isCreateForIndiv) {
sbDroitHasJeton.append("INSERT INTO sigs_droits_individu_has_nv_jeton VALUES ");
listeDroitsIndividusActifsForCreation.stream().forEach(object -> {
BigInteger idDroit = (BigInteger) object[0];
String jetonGenerated = IdJetonGenerator.codeGenerator(idDroit.toString(), DateUtils.now());
sbJeton.append("'").append(jetonGenerated).append("', ");
appendDate(sbJeton, object[1]);
appendDate(sbJeton, object[2]);
sbJeton.append(0).append(", ");
sbJeton.append(0).append(", ");
sbJeton.append("'").append(dateDB).append("', ");
String requestJeton = sbJeton.toString();
sbJeton.delete(33, sbJeton.length());
requestJeton = requestJeton.substring(0, requestJeton.length() - 1);
String requestDroitHasJeton = sbDroitHasJeton.toString();
sbDroitHasJeton.delete(54, sbDroitHasJeton.length());
requestDroitHasJeton = requestDroitHasJeton.substring(0, requestDroitHasJeton.length() - 1);
When I analyze the Heap Dump, I notice that despite the flush and clear, queries are still referenced in the SessionFactory, is this normal? enter image description here
flush is executing changes made in the unit of work and clear removes entities from the persistence context.
Both have nothing to do with native SQL queries. I assume that the native queries are cached anywhere else (Hibernate, JDBC...)
I would suggest that you use a prepared statement instead of your dynamic insert statement.