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Option usage configureListFields in SonataAdminBundle

unfortunately documentation doesn't cover how to use options available in configureListFields ListMapper when you add fields to the list.

This is my basic code

    ->add('myField', null, array(
        'label' => LabelHelper::LABEL_MY_FIELD,
        'code' => // what should I put here ... $this->methodName() is not working

I want to use 'code' option (docs - section 7.2.1), because I would like to customize just one filed final display. I don't want to rewrite the row template.

As stated in the code section I've tried simple method that returns string, but nothing happened in the list view (I've cleared cache etc.).


  • Answer is simple. You just put method name without brackets

    ->add('myField', null, array(
        'label' => LabelHelper::LABEL_MY_FIELD,
        'code' => 'methodName'

    Method should be stored in corresponding Entity class